Principles of Ecology Flashcards
single organism
group of individuals of the same species that live in the same region and interact with eachother via competition, cooperation, and sexual reproduction
evolutionary unit compromised of one or more populations that evolve together and thus share genetic and physical characteristics
the interacting biotic and abiotic components present in a geographic area
study of how organisms interact with one another and w/ their physical environment
collection of species found in the same area at the same time
Exponential or geometric growth
when a population grows at a certain rate with no limiting factors
geometric growth
finite rate of increase (lamda) = The growth rate over a defined time period usually one year for organisms that breed once per year.
exponential growth
instantaneous rate of increase (r) = growth rate at any moment
logistic growth
when a population grows at a decreasing rate when approaching the carrying capacity
carrying capacity
the maximum population size of a given species that can be supported by a particular enviornment over a sustained period of time (form of density dependence)
density dependence
the growth, mortality and other vital rates are influenced by that population’s density or size (increased density = increased influenced of factors)
intraspecific competition
competition between the same species
density independent factors
due to random unpredictable events, can increase or decrease pop size
the living components of an ecosystem, meaning the organisms present