principles of clinical practice - clinical problem solving Flashcards
3 causes of shock
not enough blood to carry O2, blood cant carry enough O2, or the tissues cant use the O2
hypovolaemic shock
most common shock, caused by decreased blood volume
distributive shock
blood in the wrong places due to inapropriate vasodilation. possibly a result of anaphylaxis or sepsis
cardiogenic shock
heart fails to pump blood effectively
4 types of shock
hypovolaemic, distributive, cardiogenic and obstructive
obstructive shock
obstruction to blood flow
pulse examination
rate, rhythm, pulse profile and synchronisity with heart beat
pulse profile
a graph showing the height as the strength and the length as the duration or the pulse (indicates blood volume)
weight loss can be with
decreased appetite or normal/increased appetite
decreased appetite can be due to
true anorexia, mouth pain etc
true anorexia can be due to
feeding centre signals, CNS disease, or 2ndary to something else
feeding centres cause anorexia due to
blood glucose levels, pyrexia, metabolic products or stress
weight loss with increased/normal appetite with
abnormal or normal faeces
weight loss with normal/increased appetite and abnormal faeces indicates
maldigestion or malabsorption
weight loss with normal/increased appetite and normal faeces indicates
maldigestion can be due to
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, 2* enzyme deficiency, decreased bile acid, or decreased brush border enzymes
malabsorption can be due to
1* GI disease or 2* GI disease
1* GI disease causing malabsorption includes
infiltrative disease of gut wall
infiltrative disease of gut wall includes
inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointestinal lymphoma, lympangiectasia, severe small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
pathological dilation of lymph vessles, causing decreased lymph flow
2* GI disease causing malabsorption includes
metabolic disorders such as hepatic disease or hyperthyroidism
malutelisation due to
failure to use nutrients or nutrient loss post digestion
weight loss with normal poo and normal appetite indicates
congestive heart failure, dirofilariasis, neoplasia, liver or renal disease
heart worm
weight loss with normal poo and increased appetite indicates
diabetes melitus (decreased glucose), hyperthyroidism, or hyperadrenocorticism
cow heart rate
48-84 beats per min
cow resp rate
10 - 30 breaths per min
4 cow lymph nodes
submandibular, superficial, prescapular and retropharyngeal
where cow superficial lymph node
in front of knee
where cow submandibular lymph node
deep behind tendon and jaw
where cow retropharyngeal lymph node
behind larynx, you should be able to normally pinch fingers behind larynx
rumenal movement rate
2 per minute
where is the reticulum
left ventral cranial
where abomasum
function of cow withers test
test for abdominal pain
how cow withers test
pinch the withers cow should reflexively dip down, if there is pain you will hear a grunt.
horse trochlear groove
along neck, you can raise trochlear vein here.