Principles of certification Flashcards
Offences of what nature could lead to a veterinary surgeon being removed from the register?
- Causing serious harm to animals or the public
- Offences of a sexual nature
- Offences involving violence and/or loss of human life
- Evidence of a harmful deep-seated personality or attitude problem
- Dishonesty including false certification
What is a certificate?
A written statement of fact made with authority
What are the four main hazards for veterinary surgeons when ’certifying‘ in the wider sense?
- Negligence
- Criminal offences
- Professional misconduct
- Loss of OV status
Principle 1: A veterinarian should certify only those matters which?
- are within his or her own knowledge
- can be ascertained by him or her personally
- are the subject of supporting evidence from an authorised veterinarian who has personal knowledge of the matters in question
What is meant by principle 2: Veterinarians should not issue a certificate that might raise questions of a possible conflict of interest
Veterinarians signing certificates should not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise their impartiality.
Defra advised that treatment/certification to meet PETS requirements should be carried out by a qualified veterinarian who is not the owner of the pet.
Which veterinary principle related to language?
Principle 3: A veterinarian should only sign certificates that are written in a language they understand.
Explain the principle regarding original documents and copies
- A veterinarian should only sign original certificates. Where there is a legal or official requirement for a certified copy or duplicate (marked as such) these can be provided.
- Where a copy or replacement is provided or retained it must be clearly marked COPY or DUPLICATE or REPLACEMENT
- Where veterinarians become aware that the certificate should not have been issued or is no longer true, they must withdraw or cancel the certificate
Principle 6 - When signing a certificate, a veterinarian should ensure that?
- The certificate contains no deletions or alterations other than those indicated on the certificate
- No section of the certificate is incomplete
- The certificate includes not only their signature but also, in clear lettering, their name, qualifications and address
- the date on which the certificate was signed and issued
How should certificates be worded?
- In simple terms that are easy to understand
- Clear and concise
- Should not use words or phrases that are capable of more than one interpretation
What are the FEI horse vaccination requirements?
- Horses must have been vaccinated within 6 months +21 days of arriving at the Event however they cannot compete if they have been vaccinated within 7 days of arriving at an event venue
- Minimum booster frequency is one year