Stewardship or Accountability
Jean-Paul Sartre
“Man comes from nothing for man to be something.”
Martin Heidegger
Humans are the shepherds of being in the world.
Kong Zi (Confusius)
Golden Rule
“Do unto others what you want others do unto you”
Matthew 7:12 (Bible)
Jeremy Bentham
John Stuart Mill
“greatest good to the greatest number of people principle”
Autonomy and Paternalism
Beauchamp and Walters
“autonomy of action should not be subjected to controlling constraints by others”
Autonomy and Paternalism
Immanuel Kant
“act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as means, but always at the same time as an end”
Right for:
Self governance
Self Direction
Self control
4 Elements of Principle of Beneficence
- one ought not to inflict evil or harm;
- one ought to prevent evil or harm;
- one ought to remove evil or harm;
- one ought to do or promote good
William Frankena
Cicero, Cynic, Stoic
justice without force is powerless;
force without justice is tryannical