Princeton Review I Flashcards
Deviate from the truth
“Government officials prevaricated about the real costs of the project.”
Marked by contradictory doubleness of thought; deceptive in words or action
“warned her not to trust the duplicitous art dealer”
Balmy (2)
(1) Warm, calm, and pleasant weather or wind
“a pleasant, balmy breeze”
(2) Crazy or foolish
“a completely balmy but harmless old man who talked intently to plants and believed they answered back”
To exhibit affection or attempt to please, to seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior
“Repulsed by fawning, the executive informed his staff that he preferred constructive criticism to calculated flattery.”
Characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning
“Repulsed by obsequiousness, the executive informed his staff that he preferred constructive criticism to calculated flattery.”
Integrity and uprightness; honesty
“He was a gentlemanly Georgian, a person of early American probity.”
The dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others
“The hegemony of a single member state is not compatible with a genuine democracy.”
In an initial, early stage; imperfectly formed or developed
“Shirla had liked the band better when it was still in its inchoate stages and not yet fully committed to a single style of music.”
Coming into existence; emerging, starting to develop; being born
“Shirla had liked the band better when it was still in its nascent stages and not yet fully committed to a single style of music.”
Overfamiliar through overuse; made commonplace or trite; stale
“Hackneyed sayings and phrases”
(1) Very cautious; wary:
“was chary of the risks involved.”
(2) Not giving or expending freely; sparing
“was chary of compliments.”
Smallness of number; fewness
“While hiking through the forest, Sylvie noticed a paucity of wildlife, much less than she had observed during her previous outing.”
Compendium (2)
(1) A short, complete summary; an abstract.
(2) A list or collection of various items.
“His book is a delightful compendium of miscellaneous knowledge.”
To feed or supply to excess, satiety, or disgust, to overindulge.
“ended up with a surfeit of volunteers who simply got in each other’s way”
A person who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration, a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions
“Widely perceived as iconoclasts, the Johnson family paid scant heed to the opinions of their neighbors.”
A member of a low caste of southern India, one that is despised or rejected, outcast
“his angry outbursts have made him a pariah”
Archaic, disorderly, unregulated, exceeding reasonable limits, immoderate
“I waited an inordinate amount of time.”
Highly injurious or destructive, deadly
“Nuclear power, which can be utilized to generate electricity as well as weapons-grade plutonium, is known as a “dual use technology;” it can be applied to peaceful and pernicious purposes alike.”
Speech or writing that is meant to sound important or impressive but is not sincere or meaningful
“a bombastic speech intended to impress the voters in her congressional district”
Bold, without fear
“The intrepid explore set off down the river.”
To revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language; complain
“She would often rail against her boyfriend’s habits, but everyone could tell that her needling was mostly facetious.”
To utter or send out with denunciation; complain
“She would often fulminate against her boyfriend’s habits, but everyone could tell that her needling was mostly facetious.”
Something that is made by combining different things (such as ideas, styles, sounds, chemicals etc.)
“Cheri enjoyed the synthesis of different cuisines offered at the new restaurant. However, this same eclecticism caused the professional food critic to lambaste the chef for his compromise of tradition. What the critic saw as effrontery, Cheri interpreted as successful creativity.”
To criticize very harshly
“Cheri enjoyed the synthesis of different cuisines offered at the new restaurant. However, this same eclecticism caused the professional food critic to lambaste the chef for his compromise of tradition. What the critic saw as effrontery, Cheri interpreted as successful creativity.”