Primary survey Flashcards
What is done for airway during the OSCE primary survey?
Check if the patient is talking - if so then airway is clear. Check inside the mouth for anything notable
What is done for breathing during the OSCE primary survey?
abnormal posture or
breathing sounds
Respiratory rate
What is done for circulation during the OSCE primary survey?
Capillary refill - central and peripheral
Pulse - both radial - check rate, rhythm, depth
What is done for disability during the OSCE primary survey?
PEARL FAST Blood glucose re-check AVPU/GCS Temperature
What is done for the FAST test as part of the disability check in the primary survey?
Face - is it symmetrical
Arms - Can they hold them up
Strength and speech - Grip test on two fingers and check speech is normal
Time - if there are symptoms, when was the onset
A positive or negative result
What does the RAISE acronym stand for?
Rhythm Accessory muscle use Injuries The symmetry of the chest wall Effort of breathing
What is a normal time for capillary refill?
hold for 5 seconds, and within 2 seconds after released for blood to reappear
What is a normal range for blood glucose?
What is the purpose of a primary survey?
A organised method of assessing a patient for critical problems
How long should a primary survey take to complete?
90 seconds
Who do we complete primary survey on?
Is there a difference between medical and trauma primary survey?
If there is a concern with the primary survey what action should be taken?
Focus on that issue and correct it. big problems with CABC are time critical issues
What is a respiratory rate?
the number of breaths you take in a one-minute period
What is a normal respiratory rate?
How can you describe a fast respiratory rate using medical terminology?
How can you describe a slow respiratory rate using medical terminology?
What can cause tachypnoea?
oxygen shortage - asthma, COPD, pneumonia
overheating - fever, heatstroke
What can cause bradypnea?
head injury
What can 3 things can affect capillary refill?
Cold weather
Peripheral vascular disease
What is the acronym for pupil response?
Pupils Equal And Reactive Light Always