Primary and secondary data in Clinical Psychology Flashcards
primary data
Primary Data
Info Collected During the Study by the Experimenter
E.g. Experiments, Interviews, observations ect.
secondary data
Secondary Data
Data that has already been gathered by someone else and reused for thurther research
e.g. past study or publicly accessable statistics for example hospital records
relative cost (primary) -
Relative cost (primary) -
Expensive as they have to plan and fund the research, which then depends on the scale of the research, this could cost £1000s somtimes £100,000s
relative cost (Secondary) +
Relative Cost (Secondary) +
Cheaper as its pre-existing data
Thus there is no need to fund a study to obtain said data
Just ask whoever owns the data for the rights to use it
which may cost a bit of money, but nowhere near the amount a full study does.
Validity (Primary) +
Validity (Primary) +
Controls can be put into place in primary research to limit the effect of extraneous variables on the data/results, making Primary Data more Internaly Valid
Validity (Secondary) -?
Validity (Secondary) -?
Sometimes researchers may be unaware of how the data is collected
This makes it Invalid due to:
• The data being incomplete
• Disimular or invalid Sampling/research design/method
Therefore secondary data may lack accuracy due to any one of these extraneous variables
But this will vary between each secondary data used, due to not knowing how the Data has been collected, could be valid, could be invalid or irrellevant
Credibility (Primary) +
Credibility (Primary) +
Credible as the studys can do tests for reliability, and also use multiple researchers to agree on a result to gain Inter-rater reliability, and use a standardised procedure to ensure its replicatability, making primary data oftern Reliable
Credibility (Secondary) +/-???
Credibility (Secondary) +/-???
It is easily obtainable compared to primary data, and generaly well structured, and thus highly reliable, as usualy made by reliable psychologists pervious studies or expertly and standardisderly obtained public statistics, making them oftern consistant and Reliable with current research
but may be unofficial stats or unpublished dataso may not be credible as they havent been peer reviewed for consistantness and lack inter rater reliability(?)
Time (Primary) -
Time (Primary) -
some studies (esspecialy longitudional) can take as little as hours or as long as Years, even 10+years, making the time talen on average to obtain all the primary data, a very long time
Time (Secondary) +
Time (secondary) +
It takes a short amount of time to collect secondary data, as the data already exsits/ the other studies are already complete, just have to ask for and receive the dara from them, wich is usualy a short time to obtain (hours mabye a few days, at most a month).