Primary and secondary assessment Flashcards
What does BVM stand for?
Bag valve mask
TRUE OR FALSE: using a BVM is the most efficient way to deliver oxygen to a non-breathing patient
Name 3 ways to insert an OPA
90 degree method
180 degree method
using a tongue depressor
What does SAMPLE stand for?
Signs and symptoms Allergies Medications Past medical history Last intake Events prior
When should SAMPLE be taken?
During secondary assessment
If the patient is unconscious, how the we retrieve SAMPLE?
Trough someone else who knows (player)
TRUE OR FALSE: Trauma jaw thrust should be performed on a prone victim
False: airways are already opened
Describe hypoxia
Describes an inadequate amount of oxygen at the cellular/tissue level
Is it necessary to use equipment to assist with breathing, if yes why and with what?
Yes, we should use a pocket mask or BVM
It serves to prevent contamination and further issues
Define agonal breathing
Occasional breathing (gasps of air) even when the heart stopped beating due to impulses form the brain
When and what is Cheyne stroke breathing
When there is trauma to the head or stroke patient has an increased rate and depth of breathing
What is the best way ton inflict pain on someone unconscious?
Triceps pinch and/or nail bed dig
When should a nasopharyngeal airway be used?
When a victim is semi-conscious or unconscious with a gag reflex
What are the signs of laboured breathing?
- use of accessory muscles
- cyanosis (blueish skin)
- Lungs sounds
- Uneven breaths
- Cool clammy skin
What is a normal breathing rate?
Adults: 12-20 bpm
Child: 15-30 bpm
Infant: 25-50 bpm
What does UABCd stand for?
Unconsciousness Airway Breathing Circulation defibrillator
What are the different levels of consciousness?
response to Verbal stimuli
reponse to Pain stimuli
What is the best way to open an airway with no SCI suspicion?
Head/chin tilt
What is the goal of the primary assessment?
To find and correct life threats
TRUE OR FALSE: the helmet of an athlete can be removed for better access to the face
FALSE: Cutting the face mask and tilting the grid is the best way
If a victim is in between sizes for an OPA, which one is prefered?
The bigger size
What should one say when on the phone with 911?
- Status of patient
- Age of patient
- LOC,ABC status
- Vitals
- Multiple trauma
- Medical history
- Location with access specifics
When do you signal/activate your ERP?
When the athlete is unconscious of in a life threatening situation
What is the first thing you do upon arriving to the scene once you know it’s safe?
You immobilize the patient
TRUE OR FALSE: you can cross over a patient
FALSE, you go around
What is the first thing you do to check for LOC?
An auditive action: like what happened or what is your name
What is the following step after primary assessment?
Making sure airway is still open, insert an OPA and keep assistant opening the airway
What is the main cause of airway obstruction?
The tongue
If you find no pulse on an athlete, what do you do next?
How is circulation evaluated?
The presence and quality of the pulse, color of the skin and external bleeding
What can cause gastric distention?
Blowing too hard or too quickly when giving air and airway obstruction
What can result form gastric distention?
What are the 3 most frequent positions for an injured athlete?
Prone, semi-prone and supine
What technique must you do to open airway if you suspect an SCI
Trauma jaw thrust
How do you check for a gag reflex?
Brush finger against eyelid to see if they shutter
How long should primary assessment take?
30-45 sec
How long should airway and oxygenation take?
4-6 min
During secondary assessement, what should you palpate first? and second?
You palpate what you don’t see first starting with the head and neck, checking gloves and then palpating the front. Check your gloves regularly
Where do you check the pulse on an infant vs adult in primary assessment?
Infant: brachial pulse
Adult: carotid pulse
Name 4 things to check in a scene size up upon approaching the victim
- Safety for yourself
- Body substance isolation
- Body position of the athlete
- Number of victims
Blood spurting comes form a vein or an artery?
What are the initial observations you must do when approaching your athlete?
- Position of the athlete
- Skin color
- Pupils
- Sweating
- Deformity
- Asymetries
- Bleeding
TRUE OR FALSE: the lowest grade you can get on a glasgow come scale is 0
FALSE, it’s 3
How do you correctly mesure an OPA
Form the earlobe to the corner of the mouth
What are the early signs of hypoxia?
- Nervousness
- Irritability
- Apprehension
- Tachycardia (increase in heart rate)
What are the late sings of hypoxia?
- Changes in mental status
- Unsing accessory breathing muscles
- Possible chest pain
- Cyanosis
TRUE OR FALSE: A person who gets a 15 on the glasgow scale should be considered as fully alert
What does it mean to get 3 points under eye opening? Glasgow
Open to voice (not spontaneous which would have given 4 points)
If you obey command, how many points do you get on th glasgow scale?
When using a pocket mask with additionnal oxygen, how much oxygen are you providing to the athlete?
When should artificial ventilation be used?
Athlete is not breathing but has a pulse
What are we looking for during secondary assessment?
Deformities Contusions Abrasions Puncture Burns & bruises Tenderness Laceration Swelling
If there is a medical condition, what do you do after primary assessment?
What is the order of treatment?
- Deformities to the head and spine
- Epithelial
- Fracture
- General
Why do we do vitals 3 times?
To compare the results with each one and what is happening to your athlete
What do you do when reporting to EMT?
Introduce yourself and your qualifications
Give a narrative report
Field impressions
What you did with the response of your athlete
TRUE OR FALSE: you must ask for an ambulance number and hospital destination
Which vitals are you checking?
Pulse, BP, Pupils, O2 levels (pulse oximetry), Breathing and skin temperature