Prev Med-Services for Adults Flashcards
Top 2 actual causes of death
Smoking, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. The contribute to the top 3 causes of death: heart disease, cancer and COPD.
Obesity in 1985 vs. obesity in 2012.
In 1985 no state had a population with obesity > 20%. In 2012, no state has a population with obesity < 20%.
How does the military BMI compare to that of the civilian population?
Military: 51% overweight and 12% obese. Civilian: 1/3 overweight and 1/3 obese.
Difference between cost effectiveness and cost savings
Cost effectiveness = public health interventions decrease total health care expenditures. Cost savings = health intervention that yields a return from the healthcare investment.
Levels of prevention
Primary: prevents disease before it happens (vaccines). Secondary: intervention before disease is clinically apparent (mammograms & pap smears). Tertiary prevention: treatment or rehabilitation to prevent further complications (insulin)
What is the domain of USPSTF?
Primary or secondary preventive services: screening, counseling, immunization and chemoprevention.
What must a disease have for a screening test to be relevant?
A detectable pre-clinical phase. It also needs to be an important public health problem. There must be an effective intervention available that results in a better outcome if given during the detectable pre-clinical phase.
Adverse effects of screening
Labeling (false positive, poor specificity and false negatives, poor sensitivity) and pseudodisease (overdiagnosis) that results in more harm than help for the patient (breast cancer and colon cancer)
Steps in the USPSTF process
Create research plan -> Compile evidence report -> Develop recommendation -> Disseminate recommendation
USPSTF grade definitions
Do all A’s and B’s for patients. Don’t do the D’s. Only do C’s and I’s after explaining all risks and benefits to patient.
Grade D recommendation for breast cancer screening?
Grade I recommendation for breast cancer screening?
Mammograms > 75 yrs, clinical breast exam > 40 yrs, digital mammogram and MRI.
When are mammograms a B recommendation?
Women 51-74. It is C for women 40-49.
Grade D recommendation for prostate cancer?
PSA-based screening
Who makes the bright futures recommendations?
American Academy of Pediatrics. Note that they recommend clinical breast exams after age 20.