Pharmacology-ART Guidelines Flashcards
What type of lymphadenopathy is significant?
Axillary and lymphadenopathy > 1cm.
What is used to measure viral load? What is used to measure immune function?
Plasma HIV RNA PCR. CD4 count is key in determining when to start prophylaxis for opportunistic infections and ART.
Goal of ART
Maximize viral suppression in blood. Note that suppression will not be comprehensive and replication will still be going on in the lymph nodes.
Clinical criteria for initiation of ART regardless of CD4 count
AIDS defining illness, pregnant, nephropathy, HBV, acute opportunistic infection and > 50 yrs old.
Recommendations for initating ART based on CD4 count
< 200. < 350 + Hx of AIDS-defining illness. 350-500. > 500 data is inconsistent. Also consider if there is a rapid decline in CD4 cells (800 -> 400).
Why would you withhold ART in a patient that qualifies for them?
Non-compliance and other medical conditions that may be exacerbated by the side effects.
5 classes of drugs used for HIV
1) Entry inhibitors (Maraviroc) 2) Fusion inhibitors (Fuzeon) 3) RT inhibitors (AZT) 4) Integrase inhibitors (Raltegravir) 5) Protease inhibitors (Indinavir)
NRTIs I should know
Zidovuidine (AZT) is not really used. Lamivudine (3TC), Emtricitabine (FTC), Abacavir (ABC) and Tenofovir (TNF) all have additional activity against Hep B.
NNRTIs I should know
Efavirenz (backbone drug).
PIs I should know
Keletra (lopinivir + ritonavir), Atazanavir, Darunavir. These are backbone agents.
Backbone agents. What do you combine them with?
Protease inhibitors, NNRTI or integrase inhibitor. These will drop the viral load by 2-2.5 logs. You combine the backbone agents with 2 NRTIs which are weaker inhibitors that only trop viral load by .5-1.5 logs.
Safest NRTI
What do you have to do before prescribing Abacavir?
Get a genotype looking for HLA-B*5071 because these people have hypersensitivity and anaphylaxis. NEVER RECHALLENGE BECAUSE OF LIFE-THREATENING ANAPHYLAXIS.
Drug associated with Fanconi’s syndrome?
NRTI: Tenofovir. This is in combination with emtricitibine in Truvada.
Backbone of atripla, the most common ART therapy?
NNRTI: Efavirenz. It is combines with emtricitabine and tenofovir NRTIs.