PreTest Psychiatry: Human Behavior - Biologic and Related Sciences Flashcards
The main metabolite of dopamine is ______________.
homovanillic acid
Risperidone primarily works on _______.
Which receptor subtype is primarily responsible for sleep-wake cycles?
Inability to perceive a scene as a whole is referred to as ________________.
Associative visual agnosia is ___________________.
the inability to name or use objects despite being able to draw them
Not acknowledging that you are blind is referred to as _______________ syndrome.
Which mood disorder presents with decreased REM latency?
Which neurotransmitter is involved in OCD?
“Fluent spontaneous speech, poor auditory comprehension, poor repetition, and poor naming” suggests _______________ aphasia.
“Nonfluent spontaneous speech, good auditory comprehension, poor repetition, and poor naming” suggests _____________ aphasia.
What molecule or enzyme has been implicated in forgetting?
Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1)
Euphoria and making lots of jokes are symptoms of lesions to the _____________.
right prefrontal cortex
Disinhibition and lability can be caused by lesions to which part of the frontal cortex?
Deficiencies in planning can be caused by lesions to ______________.
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Excess vitamin E can lead to _____________.
What causes enhancement of the meninges at the base of the brain?
Chronic infection, particularly neurosyphilis
Alzheimer’s dementia can cause what MRI signal?
Enhancements in the white matter that are not just periventricular
Delirium causes what EEG pattern?
Diffuse slowing
Triphasic waves show up in EEGs of those with _____________.
hepatic encephalopathy
Creutzfeldt-Jakob presents with what EEG pattern?
Periodic sharp waves