OnlineMedEd: Psychiatry - Peds Neurodevelopmental Flashcards
Mental retardation is now called ________________.
intellectual disability disorder (IDD)
Children with IDD have decreases in what two domains?
- Cognitive function (e.g., the ability to do math)
* Adaptive function (i.e., the ability to respond to new environments or situations)
As with most other genetic problems, pregnant women should only undergo testing if ________________.
they would do something different during the pregnancy if the test came back positive (like terminate the fetus)
List some causes of syndromic and acquired IDD.
• Syndromic:
- Down syndrome
- Cri-du-chat
- Fragile X
- Lead poisoning
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Cretinism (maternal hypothyroidism)
IDD used to be graded by ________, but it is now graded by _______________.
IQ; loss of adaptive function (i.e., how much assistive care does the person need)
How is IDD treated?
With special education (that can maximize potential) and social skills training (to facilitate living)
Give OnlineMedEd’s approach to IQ, grade, and function achieved.
- IQ above 70: able to achieve any grade; no limitations on life
- IQ 50 - 70: about 6th-grade level; will likely need group home care but can work and do ADLs
- IQ 35 - 49: about 3rd-grade level; can do ADLs but will need supervision
- IQ 20 - 34: about pre-k level: cannot do ADLs but does not need total care
- IQ less than 20: about the level of an infant; will need total care
The key pathology in autism is _______________.
loss of social communication
What signs and symptoms are suggestive of autism?
•Impaired social communication: - Lack of eye contact - Failure of joint attention - Limited nonverbal communication - Failure to form social relationships •Restricted or repetitive behaviors - Stereotypy (same behavior over and over) - Sameness (rigid patterns) - Fixated interests - Change in sensory perception
Autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed clinically. What two things should you screen for when you suspect an ASD?
* Learning disorder
How are autism spectrum disorders treated?
With special education and social learning
Give the three types of autism by severity, age of presentation, and pattern of development (i.e., regression, plateau, or failure to develop).
- Mild: develops around ages 4 - 6; characterized by mild regression
- Moderate: develops around ages 2 -4; characterized by plateau of development
- Severe: develops around 0 - 2; characterized by failure to develop
ADHD must be characterized by both _______________.
inattention (AD) and impulsivity (HD)
What are classic signs of inattention and impulsivity?
- Blurting out answers in class when told not to
- Inability to wait in line
- Fidgeting
- Interrupting others
- Talking fast
- Easily distracted
- Failure to complete tasks
What are some caveats to the diagnosis of ADHD?
- The impulsivity and inattention must be present in at least two different settings (not just at school).
- The onset must be between ages 7 and 12.
- The symptoms must exceed 6 months.
ADHD is treated with _______________.
special education, parent training, and medications
ADHD may be confused with ______________.
absence seizures (not paying attention…)
Tic disorders are associated with _____________.
In order to truly diagnose a tic, it must _____________.
have started before the person turned 18 and be present for over a year
How are tics treated?
With D2 antagonists and behavioral therapy (by incorporating the tic into a more socially acceptable movement)
List some more common causes of learning disorders that you need to screen for.
- Hearing problems
- Visual problems
- Native language preferences