Preterite Flashcards
it was a strategic point
(to be)
fue un punto estratégico
it was a city coveted / lusted after
(to be)
fue una ciudad codiciada
it was under the Moors control
(literally ‘it was in possession of the Moors’)
(to be)
estuvo en poder de los moros
the Muslims conquered it (feminine)
(literally ‘it they conquered the Muslims’)
(to conquer)
la conquistaron los musulmanes
the Christians reconquered it (feminine)
(literally ‘it they reconquered the Christians’)
(to reconquer)
la reconquistaron los cristianos
he was a close friend of the Muslim King of Toledo
(to be)
era muy amigo del rey musulmán de Toledo
the Muslim king even / inclusively protected the Christian king
(to protect)
el rey musulmán incluso protegió al rey cristiano
when they banished him from the city of Leon
(to banish / to deport)
cuando lo desterraron de la ciudad de León
what did the Christian king do in return?
(to do / to make)
¿qué hizo el rey cristiano a cambio?
she had long, black shiny hair
(to have)
tenía cabellos largos, negros y brillantes
they promised the girl to marry (in matrimony) a Christian warrior
(to promise)
prometieron a la chica en matrimonio a un guerrero cristiano
they baptized her in Galicia
(to baptize)
la bautizaron en Galicia
they changed her name to
(to change)
le cambiaron el nombre por
they did not approve the wedding
(to approve)
no aprobaron la boda
the young Muslim swore revenge
(to swear)
el joven musulmán juró venganza
they decided to get away/escape one day
(to decide to)
decidieron escaparse un día
he went to look for the couple in order to kill them
(to go)
fue a buscar a la pareja para matarlos
he went to look for his wife
(to go)
fue a buscar a su esposa
they condemned him to die at the stake
(to condemn)
le condenaron a morir en la hoguera
(lit. this) he asked for a last wish
(to ask for)
éste pidió un último deseo
that alerted/informed his hidden warriors
(to announce)
que avisó a sus guerreros escondidos
they conquered the Muslim city
(to conquer)
conquistaron la ciudad musulmana
but, it really/truly called my attention!
(to call)
¡pero verdaderamente me llamó la atención!
do you know how it started?
(to start/to begin)
¿sabes cómo empezó?
according to what I was told, …
(to say/to tell)
según me dijeron, …
let me tell you what happened to me
(to happen)
déjame contarte qué me pasó
you know what happened?
(to happen)
¿sabes qué pasó?
it was so beautiful!
(to be)
¡fue tan bonita!
and we insisted
(to insist)
e insistimos
my friend told us that
(to tell/to relate)
mi amiga nos contó que
last week I went to a very peculiar concert
(to go)
la semana pasada fui a un concierto muy peculiar
where did you (all) go?
(to go)
¿a dónde fuisteis?
and what concert did you (all) go to?
(to attend)
¿y a qué concierto asististeis?
we went to a theatre near my house
(to go)
fuimos a un teatro cerca de mi casa
the concert started right at six o’clock and finished at seven o’clock
(to start, to finish)
el concierto empezó justo a las seis y terminó a las siete
it lasted for an hour
(to last)
duró una hora
we enjoyed it a lot!
(literally, how we enjoyed it)
(to enjoy)
¡cómo lo disfrutamos!
we went with my Spanish mother
(to go)
fuimos con mi madre española
that they gave us
(to give)
que nos dieron
I liked the play a lot
(literally, it pleased me)
(to like)
la obra me gustó mucho
since you went a little while ago
(literally, you who went recently)
(to go)
tú que fuiste hace poco
we read in the pamphlet that
(to read)
en el panfleto leímos que
who locked her in a dungeon
(to lock in)
que la encerró en una mazmorra
my mother told me that part
(to tell/to relate)
esa parte me la contó mi madre
he also linked it to
(to connect)
también lo conectó con
he complicated the piece a little bit
(to complicate)
complicó la pieza un poquito
but…you said it sounds simple
(to say, to tell)
pero… dijiste que parece simple
he combined tales with music
(to combine)
combinó cuentos con música
that delighted/enthused children
(to enthuse, to excite)
que entusiasmó a niños
he developed an excellent creativity
(to develop)
desarrolló una excelente creatividad
what’s the reason that they featured that?
(literally, with what motive)
(to put)
con qué motivo pusieron esta
why did you bring me?
(to bring)
¿por qué me trajiste?
she asked me (for) advice
(to ask for)
me pidió consejo
and you gave it to her
(to give)
y tú se lo diste
he replied to me …
(to reply to)
me respondió…
I said to her that
(to say)
le dije que
do you know what I read recently?
(to read)
¿sabes que leí recientemente?
last night I saw the news on TV
(to see)
ayer por la noche vi las noticias en TV
and I do not know why it seemed to me
(to seem)
y no sé por qué me pareció
I went to a
(to go)
me fui a una
at first, everything seemed (to me) fantastic
(to seem)
¡al principio, todo me pareció fantástico!
but later I thought
(to think)
pero más tarde pensé
and…what did it make you think?
(literally, it made)
(to make)
y… ¿qué te lo hizo pensar?