Imperfect Flashcards
when I was young
(to be)
cuando yo era pequeña
history didn’t tell it like that
(to tell / to relate)
la historia no lo contaba así
but the legend did
(literally, indeed it did)
(to do / to make)
pero la leyenda sí que lo hacía
if not… there was no wedding
(literally, no it was wedding)
(to be, to exist)
si no… no había boda
marriages of convenience were dangerous
(to be)
los matrimonios de conveniencia eran peligrosos
one day her husband was on the battlefield
(literally, that her husband)
(to be)
que su marido estaba en el campo de batalla
in a place where the lovers lived
(to live)
en el lugar donde vivían los enamorados
he wanted to kiss his wife
(to want)
quería besar a su esposa
I was not even sure
(to be)
ni siquiera estaba seguro
when I was young
(to be)
cuando yo era pequeña
mm…it tasted / was great
(to be)
mm…estaba buenísimo
but it was so good
(to be)
pero estaba tan bueno
(that) nor was I able to get up from the table
(to be able to)
que no podía ni levantarme de la mesa
but, let’s get on with what I was telling you
(literally, let’s go to)
(to tell/to relate)
pero, vamos a lo que te contaba
everything was scrumptious!
(to be)
¡todo estaba riquísimo!
but (let’s) see, tell me, what happened?
(to happen)
pero a ver, dime, ¿qué pasaba?
although, we wanted to see the
(to want to)
aunque, nosotros queríamos ver el
we all cried! / we were all crying!
(to cry)
todos llorábamos!
she was a cutie / a beauty
(to be)
era una monada
since I did not understand Spanish very well
(to understand)
como yo no entendía muy bien el español
honestly/frankly, I did not know it
(to know)
francamente, no lo sabía
(back) then my Spanish was so-so/mediocre
(to be)
entonces mi español era regular
the skirt was long, down to the ankles
(to be)
la falda era larga hasta los tobillos
she was not happy with her job
(to be)
no estaba contenta con su trabajo
I considered that!
(to think, to consider)
¡eso pensaba!