presumption of atheism. Flashcards
strong atheism.
the idea that a person does not believe that there is a god. theistic belief. reject the ideas that there are to support god.
weak atheism.
ready to provide evidence to back up the belief that god does not exist. eg may make claims to the problem of evil.
-said that we should assume atheism.
- analogy of water freezing we are able to anyone is able to test that ,water freezes at zero degrees, anywhere.
this makes it more compelling as we are able to see for ourselves.
-anecdotal evidence relies on the testimony of one person.
'’absence of evidence is not absence of evidence’’
evidence of god weak and that is ancedotal.
we are not good at interpreting our own experiances.
butter analogy.
that the benefit of doubt should go to atheists.
if all evidence for the existence of god fails we still have the opportunity to be able to find evidence in the future that is foolproof.
if theists give the weakest of arguments and atheists are not able to give anything then this shows that theists have something to go on.
-says that atheists make up rules as they go along —atheists have no evidence for the existence of god and this means that they are able to believe that there is no god.
- dont need evidence to support view due to there not being evidence for god.
said that atheists need burden of proof
would that mean that the silent majority would be wrong. atheists go against the majority.
most people in the world are religious to some degree meaning that atheists have to defend the view that they take.
insufficient evidence for existence of god
people adopt an atheist stance that we can only believe things when we have evidence to support it.
what about catastrophic events of a false believe eg naziism responsible for death of million of people all because people agreed with the aryan race.
views influence the way that we behave.
only believe if there is evidence.
what did flew say about the burden of proof/atheism.
lies on the theists as they are the ones claiming the existance of god.
until grounds are produced for evidence for the existance of god we have no reason to believe.
of you cant support the beliefe then you have ot decline it.
burden of proof needs to distributed equally between the two. atheism and theism cna be claimed but not proved.