atheism. Flashcards
Karl marx and atheism.
-opium of the masses.
-man made religion and religion did not make man.
-used as an oppressive tool to keep people in their place and stopped them from rebelling from their place.
-status quo.
-economic benefits stops revolution allowing for progress.
criticisms of Marx.
-what about religious people that have been oppressed the whole bible focuses on the oppression of one man.
freud and religion.
-said that it was infantile regression people were looking for a father figure when outs is flawed.
- overcome helplessness .
- illness of the mind that would go and fade when humans evolved.
criticisms of freud.
-no evidence against the existence of god.
- focuses on male deities like islam and christianity what about female deities
- jung says religion as psychology is good and helpful.
emille dirkham atheism.
dieties worshiped are reflections of society.
- society always changing but religion is pretty solid as a theory and remains unchanging.
-society demonised.
-based on aboriginal society.
what is modernism.
-process and invasion in all areas of life.
- questions should be answered and if they are not answerable then it is not a question.
-associated with niallism reject moral-religious principles -science and reasons should replace religion.
more scientific way of thinking eg the enlightment.
what happened to modernism.
-no objective scientific truth .
-reality becomes understanding rather than objective moral truths.
-human nature and religion social construct-deconstruct.
-question religious authority.
-religion may not be right but can be useful to society.
-claims come down to personal preference rather than validity.
postmodernism emerging.
personal opinions over practice.
different groups can live in different places and reality.
existence predicates essence meaning that it was constructed and not discovered.
we don’t have authority to judge good bad wrong and right all opinion (subjective)
post modernism critiquing religion.
religion makes absolutist claims but cant answer the question of god exists or not.
makes ethical claims.
religious texts cannot be trusted.
scepticism about sources used.
metanarratives questioned used to oppress
religion social construct.
what does tap stand for.
temporary agnosticism in practice
what does tap consist of/ mean.
responses to challenges which we do not currently know the answer to but one day there should be an answer foun.
what does pap stand for.
permanant agnosticism practice.
what does pap consist of/ mean.
the answers to questions that can never be answered no matter the amount of evidence that there is not able to apply it.
the discivery of god is relaistic in principle and not practice/
how does dawkins define the god hypothesis.
the belief in god should be treated the same way as another scientific principle. says that religion is a mental virus.
bertrand russell justifiying his atheist position.
that the existance of god is not more propable than the existance of the gods of valhalla or olympus.
illustration of the tea pot orbiting between earch and mars .
george h smith justifying his belief in atheism.
those that dont know theist are atheists as they dont believe in a god quallifies tem as a atheist this means that children are atheists.child does not have the consept to grasp religion.
anthony flew.
says that the word atheism has become construed
wants the word to be understood negativly.
wants it to be understood the greek way. atheist to be understood as someone that is not a theist.