presidencies of George washing ton and john adams Flashcards
who argued that the BUS was unconstitutional and gave too much power to the banks?
Washington stated his desire to stay _______ and warned against entangling alliances
Republicans Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote the Kentucky and Virginia resolution to attack the _____ party
who created the bank (BUS) to regulate money ?
true or false Jefferson wanted the economy to remain focused on farming
Thomas Jefferson was named ______?
secretary of state deals with issues involving forien nations
true or false Jefferson believed that the political power should remain in state power to protect liberty.
Federalists in congress passed the ___ and _____ acts
alien, sedation
Adams sent diplomats to France to negotiate an agreement on american __________________________
trade rights in Europe
France was frustrated by American neutrality and began to __________________________
Seize U.S. merchant ships
Hamilton focused on issues dealing with _______?
three french officials ( __ __ and ___) demanded a ______ to meet with french ministers.
X Y Z, bribe
the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions presented and argument that sates could _______ unfair national laws
what did Washington focus on that would shape the new nation
domestic issues
who did Jefferson want the US to support to preserve liberty ?
Alexander Hamilton believed in _______ and ______
strong economy and industry
who prepossessed a financial plan that would guide the future of the us economy Jefferson or Hamilton
the alien and sedation act made it a crime to ……
criticize government leaders, restrict citizenship for new immigrants and make it easier to deport immigrants.
who formed the democratic-republican party