Present Estates and Future Interests Flashcards
Present Possessory Freehold Estates
fee simple absolue
defeasible fee
- fee simple determinable
- fee simple subject to a condition subsequent
- fee simple subject to an executory interest
life estate
Fee simple absolute
freely transferable, devisable, and descendible
Fee simple determinable
Terminates upon the happening of a stated event
automatically reverts to grantor
Future interest - possibility of reverter
Expressions of motive does not create a condition
Transferable, devisable, descendible - but always subject to the condition
Possibility of reverter
Transferable, devisable, descendible
Fee simple subject to condition subsequent
Grantor reserves the right to terminate upon the happening oof the stated event
does not automatically terminate
Future interest - right of reentry and power tot terminate
Right or reentry and power to terminate
Must be expressly reserved
Not transferable intervivos but is devisable and descendable
Fee simple subject to an executory interest
Terminates upon the happening of a stated even and passes to a third party instead of grantor
Future interest - executory interest
Restraints on alienation
conditions that create and absolute restraint on alienation that is not linked to any reasonable time-limited purpose is void
Fee tail
inheritability is limited to lineal heirs
to A and the heirs of his body
Abolished and creates a fee simple
Life estate
Measured by the life of the grantee or life of another
life term and not term of years
Future interest - reversion if held by grantor, remainder if held by third party
Future interests
In grantor
- possibility of reverter
- right of reentry
- reversion
In third party
- contingent remainder
- vested remainder
- executory interest
Vested remainders - three types
Indefeasibly vested remainder
Vested remainder subject to total divestment
Vested remainder subject to open
Executory interest - two types
Shifting executory interest
springing executory interest
Contingent remainder
Created in unborn or unascertained person
subject to a condition precedent
- condition before language creating remainder
A living person has no heirs
Vested remainder subject to total divestment
Subject to a condition subsequent
Vested remainders subject to open
created in a class of persons that is still open to increase or decrease
one is qualified to take already, otherwise contingent remainder
rule of convenience - the class closes when some member of the class can call for distribution
womb rule - persons in gestation at the time the class closes are included in the class
Executory interest
In a third party
Shifting - Divests a transferee’s preceding freehold
Springing - follows a fap in possession or cuts short a grantor’s estate
Rule against perpetuities
Future interest is void if there is any possibility that the interest might vest more than 21 years after a person alive at the time of the grant has died
measuring life- one connected with the vesting of the interest
- contingent remainders
- executory interests (EI with no time limit always violates)
- vested remainders subject to open
Destroys only offending interest