Prepositions Flashcards
A preposition is a word that relates a noun or pronoun to the rest of the sentence. The noun or pronoun is the “object of the preposition”.
The types of prepositions
Prepositions for time.
Prepositions for place.
Preposition for direction. [e.g. to, toward, into, etc.]
Prepositions for agent. [e.g. by]
Preposition for instruments.[e.g. on, by, with the help of]
Prepositional phrases.
Categories of prepositions
Almost always an adjective or an adverb (rarely as a noun, e.g. the best time for a call is BEFORE LUNCH).
When looking for subject or verb, it helps to eliminate prepositional phrases, as they are distracting.
When you see the following pattern : subject, prepositional phrase, verb — what type?
Usually an adjective.
Common “a” prepositions
About, above, according to, across, after, against, along, among, around, as, at …
Common “b” prepositions
Because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but (when it means except), by…
Common “d” prepositions
Despite, down, during…
Common “e” and “f” prepositions
Except, except for, for (when it does not mean because), from
Common “I” prepositions
In, inside, instead of, into…
Common “l” and “n” prepositions
Like, near …
Common “o” prepositions
Of, off, on, out, out of, outside, over…
Common “p”, “s”, and “t” prepositions
Past, since, through, throughout, to, toward…
Common “u” and “w” prepositions
Under, until, up, upon, with, within, without…