Nouns Flashcards
Person, place, thing, idea
Abstract noun
Intangible entities such as justice, love, philosophy…
Concrete nouns
Tangible entities such as house, tree, computer
Proper nouns
Individualized, and therefore capitalized, nouns
Common nouns
Nouns designating membership in a generic group
Regular nouns
Nouns that when plural ends in “s”
Irregular nouns
When plural either change their form all together or remain the same
Countable nouns
Indicate entities that can be counted such as cats
Uncountable nouns (mass nouns)
Indicate entities, although understood to be plural in some sense, cannot be actually counted — for example, flour.
Determiners (noun markers)
A part of speech (possessive nouns or pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, indefinite pronouns, interrogative pronouns, or articles) that often proceed a noun and can help you identify a noun.