Prep 1 Skills Flashcards
How do you calculate MAP?
What is the Minimum MAP required to perfuse the brain?
60mmHg Normal Range is 60-150mmHg
What are the sizes of King Airway and Pt. Heights associated with them?
Size 3 (Yellow) 4ft-5ft Size 4 (Red) 5ft-6ft Size 5 (Purple) 6ft and Above
What are the criteria to rule out Capacity?
- Inability to express/communicate choice.
- Inability to understand one’s situation.
- Inability to understand relevant information.
- Inability to give a rational reason for refusal.
- inability to give a risk/benefit related to the reason for refusal.
- Inability to reach a reasonable decision.
Describe the Impartiality Test
Would YOU be willing to undergo the procedure or action if you were in the patients position?
Describe the Universal Test
Would you want this action performed in all relevant similar circumstances?
Describe the Interpersonal Justifiability Test
Can you defend your actions to others?
Give the Parkland Formula
4cc/kg X % 2nd & 3rd Degree Burned, Half Administered in the 1st 8hrs and 2nd Hald administered over the next 16hrs.
Give the Brooks Formula
2cc/kg X % 2nd & 3rd Degree Burned, Half Administered in the 1st 8hrs and 2nd Hald administered over the next 16hrs.
Give the Glasgow Coma Scale
Eye Opening: Spontaneously 4, To Speech 3, To Pain 2, No Response 1
Best Verbal: Oriented to Person/Place/Time 5, Confused 4, Inappropriate Words 3, Incomprehensible Sounds 2, No Response 1.
Best Motor: Obeys Commands 6, Moves to Localized Pain 5, Flexion Withdrawal from Pain 4, Decorticate Posturing 3, Decerebrate 2, No Response 1
What is Cushing’s Triad?
A response to increasing intracranial pressure resulting in Increased Blood Pressure, Irregular Respirations and a Decreasing Heart Rate
Give the Rate Formula for Volume Infused
Rate = Volume in Ml’s X Drop Set/Time
What is the “Pre” in PreSOAPeD?
Pre-Arrival Information:
Reason for the Call
Response emergent or non-emergency
Any delays during your response to the scene?
What is the “S” in PreSOAPeD?
Subjective: Covered with the Patient/Bystanders. What they tell you.
o Chief Complaint o History of Present Illness SAMPLE OPQRST o Review of systems (with the patient) General Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat (HEENT) Neck Cardiovascular Respiratory Abdomen GU Skin Neurological Psychological Musculoskeletal
What is the “O” in PreSOAPeD?
Objective: What you find from your examination of the patient.
o Vital Signs o General o HEENT o Neck o Cardiovascular o Respiratory o Abdomen o GU o Skin o Neurological o Musculoskeletal o Lab Values (SpO2, EKG, BGL, etc)
What is the “A” in PreSOAPeD?
Assessment: The “assessment” in terms of a PreSOAPed is your assessment of what’s going on. It’s your working diagnosis (what you’re treating), as well as your differential diagnosis if any other possibilities exist.
What is the “PeD” in PreSOAPeD?
Plan & Delta (Changes): The plan is placed in chronological order. It is the treatment you provided based on your assessment/differential diagnosis. Any changes in patient condition, pre- and post-treatment, are also placed in this area.
What is a VOMIT Report?
V: Vitals, Highest Heart Rate, Lowest BP & Significant Changes
O: Origin, Scene vs. Hospital Transfer, Approx. Time of Injury.
M: Mechanism, MVA; Important Details including belted/unbelted, Ejection, airbag deployment, extrication, other death at scene, etc. Fall; Height of Fall/Surface landed.
M: Medical History; AMPLE. Allergies, Meds, Past Med History, Last Meal, Events Prior
I: Injuries Found
T: Treatment; IV, Airway, Medications, etc…