A&P Chapter 22 Respiratory System Flashcards
What are the functions of the Respiratory System?
- Ventilation: MOVEMENT of air to and from site of gas exchange.
- Gas Exchange: Movement of specific gasses such as O2 and CO2 between AIR and BLOOD (in a lung) or between BLOOD and the CELLS of other tissues.
- Gas Transport: Movement of O2 (in blood) away from the lungs and CO2 (also in blood) back towards the lungs.
What are the organs of the Respiratory system?
Nasal Cavity, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi and Lungs.
The Trachea and Lungs develop from what in the embryo?
The Layrngotracheal Bud, it must develop anteriorly to the esophagus.
What are the roles of the Nasal Cavity? What allows it to do these jobs?
It removes dust and other debris, warms inhaled air and humidifies inhaled air.
The Nasopharynx is lined with a PSUEDOSTRATIFIED COLUMNAR Epithelium which contains large numbers of GOBLET Cells. The goblet cells produce mucous which traps the debris and helps humidify the air.
What separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity?
The Palate
What marks the inferior border of the Nasopharynx?
The Uvula which is the extension of the soft palate.
What three structures create turbulence in the nasal cavity contributing to the functions of the nasal cavity?
The Nasal Conchae. There is a Superior, Middle and Inferior Nasal Conchae.
What marks the superior border of the OROPHARYNX? What marks the inferior border?
The Uvula marks the superior border and the Epiglottis marks the inferior border.
What are the three regions that together make up the Pharynx?
The Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, and Laryngopharynx.
What types of epithelia line the Oropharynx and Laryngopharynx?
Both Pseudostratified Columnar and Stratified Squamous.
What marks the superior border of the Laryngopharynx?
The Epiglottis
What are the functions of the Larynx?
Keeps the airway open even with negative pressure.
It keeps food and liquids from entering the trachea.
It provides for vocalization.
How many cartilages form the Larynx? What are they?
9 total.
3 Large Unpaired: The Epiglottis, Thyroid and Cricoid Cartilages.
6 Smaller Paired: (Starting Inferior) The Arytenoid, Corniculate and the Cuneiform.
Movement of what pair of cartilages allows for the change in pitch from the vocal cords?
The Arytenoid Cartilages
Describe the Vocal Cords
They are strands of DENSE REGULAR connective tissue running anteriorly from the Arytenoid Cartilages to the Thyroid Cartilage.
How many muscles are involved with moved the Arytenoid cartilages and thus the vocal cords?
13 muscles, they rotate, move and tilt the cartilages and vocal cords.
What cranial nerve innervates the muscles of the larynx and thus the muscles of vocalization?
The Vagus Nerve (Cranial Nerve X)
What is the GLOTTIS?
The Opening between the vocal cords.
Describe the Trachea:
It is a tube made of C Shaped Cartilages that runs from the Cricoid Cartilage of the Larynx to the Carina where the Trachea branches into the two Primary Bronchi.
Many Mucous glands line the trachea and the cilia sweep the mucous to the top of the trachea where it accumulates until you cough or clear your throat to get rid of it.
What type of epithelia lines the Trachea?
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium Ciliated
Where does the upper airway stop and the lower airway begin?
The Larynx
What is the Hilum?
The entry point in EACH lung where the Primary Bronchi, Pulmonary Artery, Pulmonary Vein and Nerves enter and leave the lung.
MANY LYMPHATIC CAPILLARIES and LYMPHATIC VESSELS enter and exit the lungs through the Hilum as well.
What is the Pleura?
A double layered sac that surrounds the lungs. It is filled with a phospholipid liquid much like the pericardial cavity of the serous pericardium of the heart.