1-2 week, characterised by rapid cell division
3-8 weeks,
mass of cells known as embryo
head-to-tail postion
vital organs develop + head/blood vessels and heart
Placenta; forms on area of uterus wall - O2 + nutrients reach foetus
Umbilical chord; connects embryo to placenta - perp nutrients and carry away waste
Amniotic sac; surrounds embryo and protects it
Foetal 9-40 weeks/birth
first bones = devel
now called foetus
avoid while pregnant
❌ALCHOL☞ prem birth/ low birth weight (foetal alcohol syndrome FAS)
❌SMOKING ☞ prem birth/miscarriage
❌FOODS ☞ soft unpasteurised cheese (eg. feta)
☞meats which could contain listeria (hot dogs/deli meat)
bacteria causing flu-like symptoms = v dangerous in unborn babies due to weekend immune system
(miscarriage, prem birth, death of new born)
SIDs- sudden infant death syndrome
unexplained death, usually during sleep, of baby less than 1y/o
risk factors=
- younger then 20
- smoking/drugs/alcohol
- inadequate prenantal care