Prenatal Care & Early Pregnancy Loss Flashcards
Cultural Assessment
Customs are often tied to significant life events
Ask, listen, and observe to meet pt and family’s needs
Allows nurse to provide care that is appropriate and responsive
Prenatal Care: Obtaining a History
Current and past pregnancies (G-TPAL)
Gynecologic hx, Genetic hx
Current and PMH including substance abuse
Family medical hx
Religious, spiritual, and cultural hx
Occupation/repetitive movements
Physical and social hx for father/sperm donor
Personal hx and preferences
Subjective/Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy
Pregnant person reports:
Breast tenderness
Missed period
Objective/Probable Signs of Pregnancy
Practitioner detects but could be caused by other pathology
Pregnancy tests
Enlarged uterus
Changes in pelvic organs
Diagnostic/Positive Signs of Pregnancy
Practitioner detects and could not be d/t other cause
Fetal heart beat on doppler or ultrasound
G = Gravida
P = Para
ANY pregnancy regardless of length, includes current one
Delivery at >20 weeks gestation regardless of outcome
G = gravida
T = Term births
P = Preterm births
A = Abortions
L = living children
T = Term Births
Births at 37 0/7 or greater
P = Preterm Births
Births btw 20 0/7 and 36 6/7 weeks
A = Abortions
<20 weeks
Spontaneous (SAB) and/or terminations (TAB)
Estimated Date of Birth
Estimated Delivery Date
Estimated Date of Conception
Nagele’s EDB
Use the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP)
Subtract 3 months
Add 7 days
Change year accordingly
Major Prenatal Screening Tests
Blood type & Rh
Antibody Screening
CBC (H&H for anemia)
HIV screening
Hep B surface antigen
UA and culture
Rubella titer
Varicella titer
Urine drug screen
Offer: cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, Hg electrophoresis (thalassemia), genetic screening, hemoglobin A1c, Pap smear
Rh Antigen
Is a protein on RBC (A+ or A-)
Blood from fetus may cross into maternal circulation
Rh Incompatibility
Pregnant person is Rh negative
Fetus is Rh positive
Antibodies are created against antigen for future pregnancies if blood mixes
Rh Incompatibility 2nd Pregnancy
Antibodies cross placenta and attack RBC if fetus is Rh positive = hemolytic anemia
RBC destroyed faster than body can replace them
RBC carry O2 so can lead to hypoxia in fetus and even death
Rh Incompatibility Treatment
Rhogam IM or IV
Rhogam Indications
Rh negative pregnant people w/
Vaginal bleeding
Pregnancy loss (miscarriage, ectopic)
At 28 weeks
After delivery if baby is Rh positive