prenatal assessment Flashcards
division of trimesters
0-12 weeks
13-27 weeks
: 28-40 weeks
term and preterm
37-42 weeks
i. At term is 37 weeks
preterm is 37
post term
i. Almost nobody goes to 42 weeks anymore b/c mom and baby gets testing every 3 days; risks are too great so induction is done by 40-41 weeks
Number of viable (>20 wks) births
multiples count as 1 para
Total number of pregnancies
4 pregnancies (one of which was a miscarriage
how do you write this
G4P3 (SAB1)
at risk groups
teenagers and moms over 35
1 twin pregnancy:
diet for pregnancy
folic acid MVI; avoid EtOH, tobacco/drugs, caffeine (no more than 200mg of coffee per day), medications
folic acid recommendations
folic acid (especially important in the first trimester; now recommended all women of child bearing age regardless of whether they are trying to get pregnant should be taking prenatal vitamins),
HTN medications pregnancy
ACEi needs to be d/c’ed; any that are Category C should be carefully monitored or switched)
Varicella, Rubella, Hep B
i. Live virus vaccines cannot be given to pregnant women
ii. If mom gets varicella infection, it is potentially devastating for the fetus
iii. Get the vaccines minimum 1 month before they get pregnant, but getting it 3 months before is better
medical history
DM, mental health, STD, etc
PID makes it difficult to get pregnant
salpingo gram can be helpful for looking at the patency of the tubes
recommendation for overweight pregnant women
ii. If obese or morbidly obese when pregnant, then weight neutral pregnancy is recommended
when are urine pregnancy tests sensitive
what time is the most accurate
- Accurate 95%-98% of the time
- Sensitive within 7 days after implantation
- Use first morning void when possible b/c hCG concentration is the highest
gold standard for medical documentation
gold standard is QUANTITATIVE B-HCG (don’t get qualitative, it’s just like Upreg).
two types of serum ECG tests
Qualitative results are read as pos or neg
Quantitative B-HCG radioisotope test used for serial testing** this is the one you actually want
how to interpret hcg
Level doubles every 48 hrs the first 3-4 wks
If having an ectopic pregnancy, the levels will not
Level should be 50 to 250 mIU/mL at the time of the first missed period
when do we see a peak/decline in HCG (normally)
Level peaks at 60-70 days then levels
10 weeks
what should the levels be in a quantitative test
level should be 50 to 250 mIU/mL at the time of the first missed period
progesterone levels Remain constant through
Remain constant through first 9-10 weeks
when would you take a progesterone levels
get them early for women that have had two or more miscarriages
early in the pregnancy might check hcg and progesterone
-Serum level checked if frequent SAB
If level < 20, Progesterone vaginal suppository
- Non viable pregnancies have lower levels
- Highly predictive of pregnancy outcomes
what does of progesterone
(Prometrium 100-200 mg inserted vaginally)
Risks for ectopic pregnancy
a. Prior tubal pregnancy
b. Tubal reversal surgery
c. Endometriosis
d. Intrauterine device
when do we normally do the prenatal demographic assessment
Initial prenatal social and demographic assessment
Usually, the assessment is done at 8-10 weeks of gestation
initial assessment
names of patient, partner, emergency contact, marital status, age, home address, telephone numbers for day, night, emergency, education, occupation, partner’s name and occupation, pediatrician, PCP, hospital for delivery, religion, past obstetrical history, genetic disorders in mom or dad’s side, LMP
have you ever been pregnant before?
paternal family history of genetic disorders or medical disorders
first day of LMP
normal or not?
really light –> implantation bleeding
frequent sxs associated with pregnancy
you want these because they indicate that hormones are rising and pregnancy is doing what they are supposed to be doing
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Breast Tenderness
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- Vaginal discharge or bleeding
- Urinary frequency
- Headache
- Nosebleeds, gums bleed
- Heartburn
- Back Pain (
- Quickening
- Skin change
- Ptyalism
- Absence of menses
- Constipation
- Fatigue
why do we typically see abdominal pain
(typically towards the end of pregnancy to get ready for labor round ligament growth spurt pain
if you have pain with bleeding NOT NORMAL
Increased vaginal d/c seen in pregnancy
when do you want to advise moms
d/c increases during pregnancy d/t increase in estrogen. If smelly, associated with pain or bleeding – not normal.
Rates of bac vag and yeast infxn go up during pregnancy)\
need to prevent PROM
headaches are due to
(d/t increase in blood volume; menstrual migraines typically go away during pregnancy but they come back after pregnancy)
nosebleeds are d/t
(d/t increased vascular congestion)
especially towards the end of pregnancy; relaxin relaxes the LES which causes an increase in heartburn during pregnancy
slow gastric emptying and gut motility (constipation) and relaxed esophageal sphincter
–> 100% of women by the third trimester for GERD
back pain in pregnancy associated with
RELAXIN soften hips but back pain is really common
lumbar lordosis gets significant; pubic symphysis pain is common and uncomfortable
quickening with pregnancy
flushy flittery
baby starts to move, happens around 18-20 weeks in first time moms
16 weeks for 2nd time moms
evening is more common
excessive salivation
fatigue is most common in the
(especially during 1st and 3rd trimester)
Chadwicks sign
bluish discoloration of the cervix from vascular congestion, after 6th week of pregnancy
Hegar’s sign
softening of the cervix, about 4-6 weeks after conception
ideal cervix in pregnancy
long and closed cervix which means the mucus plug is going to stay in
uterine sized should be assessed by
by bimanual exam
Adnexal tenderness or enlargement
may indicate an ectopic pregnancy
Fetal movement after
18-20 weeks
should feel movement everyday
fetal positionig
Fetal position after 28 weeks
doppler heart sounds can be heard
Doppler heart sounds 10-12 weeks
Fetoscope can be heard
Fetoscope auscultation 17-20 weeks (used by midwives)
cardiac activity can be heard
US 5-8 weeks for cardiac activity
Palpation of active fetal motion (quickening) at 18-20 weeks
Visualization of the fetus can be done at
US – fetal/embryonic pole seen 5-6 weeks