Prenatal Flashcards
Child Development
Scientific study of processes of change and stability in children from conception through adolescence
Physical Development
Growth of body and brain, including biological and physiological patterns of change in sensory capacities, motor skills, and health
Cognitive Development
Pattern of change in mental abilities, such as learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity
Psychosocial Development
Pattern of change in emotions, personality, and social relationships
Social Construction
concept about the nature of reality based on societally shared perceptions or assumptions
Individual differences
differences among children in characteristics, influences, or developmental outcomes
Inborn characteristics inherited from the biological parents
totality of nonhereditary, or experimental, influences on development
unfolding of a universal natural sequence of physical and behavioral changes
Nuclear Family
Two-generational household unit consisting of one or two parents and their biological children, adopted children, or step children.
Extended family
Multigenerational kinship network of parents, children, and other relatives, sometimes living together in an extended-family household
a society’s or group’s total way of life, including customs, traditions, beliefs, values, language, or national origin that contributes to a sense of shared identity
Ethnic Group
A group united by ancestry, race, religion, language, or national origin that contributes to a sense of shared identity
Ethnic Gloss
Overgeneralization about an ethic or cultural group that blurs or obscures variations within the group or overlaps with other such groups
Socioeconomic Status
combination of economic and social factors, including income, education, and occupation, that describe an individual or family
Risks Factors
Conditions that increase the likelihood of a negative developmental outcome
Characteristics of an event that occurs in a similar way for most people in a group
Historical Generation
a group of people strongly influenced by a major historical event during their formative period
a group of people born at about the same time
characteristic of an unusual event that happens to a particular person or a typical event that happens at an unusual time of life
Instinctive form of learning in which, during a critical period in early development, a young animal forms an attachment to the first moving object it sees, usually the mother
Critical Period
specific time when a given event or its absence has a profound and specific impact on development
Modifiability of the brain through experience
Sensitive Periods
times in development when a given event or its absence usually has a strong effect on development
coherent set of logically related concepts that seeks to organize, explain, and predict data
Possible explanations for phenomena, used to predict the outcome of research
Mechanistic Model
model that views human development as a series of predictable responses to stimuli
Organismic Model
model that views human development as internally initiated by an active organism, and as occurring in a sequence of qualitatively different stages
Quantitative Change
change in number or amount, such as in height, weight, or size of vocabulary
Qualitative Change
change in kind, structure, or organization, such as the change from nonverbal to verbal communication
Psychoanalytic Perspective
View of human development as being shaped by unconscious forces
Psychosexual Development
In Freudian theory, an unvarying sequence of stages of personality development during infancy, childhood, and adolescence, in which gratification shifts from the mouth to the anus and then to the genitals
Learning Perspective
view of human development that holds that changes in behavior result from experience
learning theory that emphasizes the predictable role of environment in causing observable behavior
Classical Conditioning
learning based on association of a stimulus that does not ordinarily elicit a particular response with another stimulus that does not elicit the response
Operant Conditioning
Learning based on association of behavior with its consequences
In operant conditioning, a process that increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated
In operant conditioning, a process that decreases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated
Social Learning Theory
Theory that behaviors also are learned by observing and imitating models (social cognitive theory)
Reciprocal Determinism
Bandura’s term for bidirectional forces that affect development
Observational Learning
Learning through watching the behavior of others
sense of one’s capability to master challenges and achieve goals
Cognitive Perspective
Perspective that looks at the development of mental processes such as thinking
Cognitive-Stage Theory
Piaget’s theory that children’s cognitive development advances in a series of four stages involving qualitatively distinct types of mental operations
Piaget’s term for the creation of categories or systems of knowledge
Piaget’s term for organized patterns of thought and behavior used in particular situations
Piaget’s term for adjustment to new information about the environment
Piaget’s term for incorporation of new information into an existing cognitive structure
Piaget’s term for changes in a cognitive structure to include new information
Piaget’s term for the tendency to seek a stable balance among cognitive elements; achieved through a balance between assimilation and accommodation
Sociocultural Theory
Vygotsky’s theory of how contextual factors affect children’s development
Zone of Proximal Development
Vygotsky’s term for the difference between what a child can do alone and what a child can do with help
temporary support to help a child master a task
Information-Processing Approach
Approach to the study of cognitive development by observing and analyzing the mental processes involved in perceiving and handling information
Contextual Perspective
View of child development that sees the individual as inseparable from the social context
Bioecological Theory
Bronfenbrenner’s approach to understanding processes and contexts of child development that identifies five levels of environmental influence
Bronfenbrenner’s term of setting in which child interacts with others on an everyday, face-to-face basis
Bronfenbrenner’s term for linkages between two or more microsystems
Bronfenbrenner’s term for linkages between two or more settings, one of which does not contain the child
Bronfenbrenner’s term for a society’s overall cultural patterns including customs, values, and social systems
Bronfenbrenner’s term for effects of time and other developmental systems
Evolutionary/Sociobiological Perspective
View of human development that focuses on evolutionary and biological bases of social behavior