Preliminary Flashcards
Mission of College
The college of tourism, hotel and restaurant management shall produce competent hospitality professionals adequately prepared in the practice of their professions supportive of national development goals and standards of global excellence.
Vision of College
The mseuf college tourism, hotel and restaurant management shall be globally competitive hospitality management institution.
Outdoor activity that generally takes place in an unusual remote or a wilderness area
Adventure tourism
Girlfriend getaways
Adventure tourism
Woman at my range group of 41 and 60 are going mountain climbing, kayaking and surfing
Adventure tourism
Expedition cruising find people expedition cruises to Antarctica, the Galapagos and Alaska
Adventure Tourism
Nasumi Forest, Rizal
40 years above
Spider web, Rock climbing
Adventure tourism
Indoor not adventuresome
Adventure tourism
Theme to be part of the trends
Senior citizen
Adventure tourism Touring: 10 days around Asia Pilgrimage tourism Story of Bethlehem, Vatican Don't feel tired
Where darks offer hospitality as well as an opportunity for tourists to assist with farming tasks-Educational and entertainment farms
Provides a second steam income earning opportunity
Example agritourism
Berry farm, Flower farm
Educational aspect
How to prepare, plant, harvest
Visitors learn about the atomic age by traveling to significant dit s in atomic history such as museums with atomic weapons vehicles that carried atomica weapons or sites ere atomic weapons were detonated
Atomic tourism
Example atomic tourism
National museum Intramuros Fort Santiago 6x6 Luna ng train
Type a d cultural tourism that promotes independent bookstores as a group travel destination
Bookstore tourism
It started as grassroots efforts to support locally owned and operated book shops many of which have struggled to compete with large bookstore chains and online retailers
Bookstore tourism
Example bookstore tourism
Along Recto, Morayta
Exhibitions of bookstores
Tourism destination books
Sometimes referred to as Heritage tourism
Cultural tourism
Divisi n of tourism conferences with region’s culture specifically the lifestyle and history of the people le, art, architecture religion and other elements
Cultural tourism
Example cultural tourism
7 cities of the world
Architectural design
History of the people
Adrenaline tourism
Extreme tourism
Extreme tourism known as
Extreme tourism
Controlled edge tourism
Danegers tourism
More than adventure tourism and maximum tourism
Extreme tourism
Example extreme tourism
Amusement park
Abyss-Ocean park 2006
Island tourism, beach
Cliff diving
The practice of traveling to another country for fertility treatments
Fertility tourism
More on medical
Fertility tourism
Defined as free time not doing any work
Leisure time
It is that time to do things that you normally have no time for in your daily life
Leisure tourism
Involves people who travel to a different place to receive treatment for a dose sa, health condition, or a surgical procedure and seeking lower cost and higher quality of care
Medical tourism
Does not apply to a specific form of holiday
Military tourism
Euthanasia tourism
Suicidal tourism
Associated with the pro-euthanasia movement which organizes trips to potential divide candidates in there few place where euthanasia is permitted
Suicidal tourism
Example military tourism
Philippine Navy
One of the fastest growing forms of international and domestic tourism
Wellness tourism
This form of tourism involve a people who travel o q different place to pursue activities that maintain or engage their personal health and wellness and who’re seeking unique, authentic or location based experiences
Wellness tourism
Observation of wild non-domestic animals in their natural environment or captivity
Photography, viewing and feeding of animals
Wildlife tourism
Example wildlife tourism
Zoobic Safari
Proni2, Bohol 240 kilos phyton, 22 feet
Marimar dancing
Conducting virtual tourism and virtual museums
Virtual tourism
Travel to another country for the purpose of giving birth in the country
Birth tourism US- citizenship Singapore Give birth on an airplane Medical certification of OB
Travel for the purpose of obtaining or using drug for recreational or medical use that are unavailable, illegal or very expensive in one’s home jurisdiction
Drug tourism
Medical Marijuana
China to Philippines (shabu)
A Tourism that combine sailing and boating with vacation and holiday activities
Nautical tourism
Example nautical tourism
Cruise trip
The act of traveling to locations featured in popular literature, film, music or any other culture tourism
Pop culture tourism
Example pop culture tourism
South Korea-KPop Sariaya Japan Heritage house taken over to LGU China-bird's nest olympics
Spend your vacations with drinking alcohol and without having any sex, having to swim in separate swimming pools for men and women and eating red meat
Halal Tourism
6 hours a day
Mecca-Haj end on September 3
Includes audio walking tours and other audio forms of museum, audio guides and audio travel books
Audio tourism
Example audio tourism
Puerto Princesa Underground river
Tourism, Museum Guide
Appeals to people attracted to alternate lifestyle and their friends
Gay tourism
Example gay tourism
Night market
A niche market segment evolved out of 3 major sectors:creative, cultural and shopping tourism
Fashion tourism, Fashion week
The overnight travelers aged 15 years and above who participate in the following activity s: festivals/fairs or cultural event, organized sporting event
Events tourism
Example events tourism
Sea games
Operating a meeting
Arrival- Registration desk Reception- Meal functions Meeting functions Trade show
-different people,
Plane s send out a map of the venue indicating the hotel’s relationship to the airport and train station and including information about transfers to the hotel, their availability and how much an attendee should expect to pay
After hotel, check in most meeting attendees looks for the meeting’s registration desk
Registration desk
Basic badge styles
Adhesive or plastic sleeve
Meeting that last more than one day does not use adhesive badges
The plastic sleeve badge attaches with a pin or clip
If the group is large,
counters with alphabetical headers and seperate spaces for specials guests and speakers are preferred
Registration counters
Include a host d or open bar or hors d’ oevres
Reception (most)
Registration packets include a meal tickets and a list of where each function is to be held
Meal functions
New hotels are constructed with meeting needs in in mind
Room set up
U-Shaped Square Double width T shape Round Hollow square
When the meeting involves well-known speakers or topics of public interest, the meeting planner invites __
Trade or National Press
Refreshments should be provided on a continuing basis because it not usually possible to schedule a defined break period
Giant convention
It is most used when high visibility speakers are available but it has limitations-
Open forum–
Lecture format
Meeting formats
Modern audience’s inability to sit still too long for any speaker no matter how good
Podium, light and microphones
Audio visual materials
Experts in shipping and mailing for the principal parts of its show and display of materials
Trade shows and meeting feed off each other
Trade shows
Parts of corporations’ system of employee motivations and is closely linked to meeting business
Anything that moves a person to increased effort
Incentive travel
Get from suppliers
Planning an incentive:
Setting specific goals Measuring performance Communicating standards to participants Choosing rewards Celebrating achievements
- list of attendees
- invitations
- separate registration to groupmates (time-in, signature, time-out, signature)
- documentation
- flow
- persons involve
- facilitators
- speaker
- entertainer
-keeping money
Food and Beverage
-Simple Snack
-tokens, attendees, speakers, tarp
- Flag
- Sound System
- Requisitions
- Buyers
- Runners
Social, legislative or economic group convenes its members to provide information on a particular situation to deliberate and consequently establish consent on policies among the participants
Exhibitions Congress Conference Training Workshops
Events Management booka
Many speakers show a film and unless the content is right on point, many attendees take the dimming of the lights as a signal to sneak a nap
Audiovisual materials
simplest of AV equipment
Overhead projector
It is never a good time for the speaker
Audiovisual materials
The after lunch slot
Anything that requires the audience to do something active is best scheduled then
Audiovisual materials
The length of breaks
Depends on a group size
100 people- 20 minutes
Special seating is reserved for this purpose
Should motivate the group for the rest of the meeting
The keynote speaker at the plenary sessions
Must consider how to showcase a speaker
The hotel might have several meetings going on at once
Registration desk
The daily schedule board in the lobby of announcements on closed circuit tv on hotel room show where various groups are holding registration and meetings
Registration desk
It Dictates registration procedures
Group size
registration counters
It involves collecting fees and issuing badges-__ must be briefed thoroughly
On site registration
Registration counters
Pre-registration- family name, signature
One in which the sponsoring organizations pay for the drinks
Hosted or open bar
Some meetings have this where guests pay the bartender directly for their drinks
Cash bar
They do not use meal stubs because members know each other and ___ are soon spotted
Many small groups
gate crashers
They find meal tickets a handy way to keep tabs on how many meals are actually eaten
Meal functions
Midsize to Large groups
Their rooms have no columns or other sightline problems
Room setup
Small groups and executive meetings- conference style variations
Everyone all together
Plenary session
Can be set in several different ways depending on the size of the group
Meeting rooms
Held in a section of the hotel’s divided ballroom. Fortunately, the group next door is a quiet one and there is no sound leakage
Room set-up
Suit most small to midsize groups
Classroom or schoolroom-style rooms
Large group require __ Chairs are set in rows facing the speaker
theatre or auditorium style setups.
Many speakers show a film and unless the content is right on point, many attendees take the dimming of the lights as a signal to sneak a nap
Audiovisual materials
simplest of AV equipment
Overhead projector
It is never a good time for the speaker
Audiovisual materials
The after lunch slot
Anything that requires the audience to do something active is best scheduled then
Audiovisual materials
The length of breaks
Depends on a group size
100 people- 20 minutes
Special seating is reserved for this purpose
Should motivate the group for the rest of the meeting
The keynote speaker at the plenary sessions
Must consider how to showcase a speaker
First hotel built in the US
The City Hotel
High Rise building
The City Hotel
Global Distribution System
Reservation system
Elephant Island
Bella Roca
It may be regarded as a form of medical tourism
Fertility tourism
The main reasons for fertility tourisms are legal regulation of the sought procedure in the home country or lower price
Fertility tourism
Main destination for surrogacy
Also Europe
Fertility example
Joel Cruz Dancing in Ubando Festival, Bulacan Pray to Santo Niño Magampon ka ng anak Strong belief of Catholicism- not allowed in the Philippines Babypicker
General definition for holiday whose competitive advantage carrying components has a military background such as shooting with military arms, riding a tank and flying combat aircrafts
Military tourism
When people are visiting places of former military sites
Military tourism
In the hopes of encouraging the decriminalization or the practice in other parts of the world
Suicidal tourism
No limit
Extreme tourism
Few of the terms that incorporate the ever growing need of the new generation of tourists that want to experience everything
Extreme tourism
Large sometimes international but usually national meetings of business circles for commercial exhibition and/or discussion
Usually short, lasting 2-3 days with no determined frequency
When any group gets together to exchange views and consequently to convey a message, open a debate or give publicity to some opinions on specific issues
For study purpose
Involves research inputs and sharing of findings and require active contribution from attendees
Aimed at establishing position papers as a result of the exchange of views
It requires no tradition, continuity or periodicity and generally held for a short duration of time
Discuss agenda
Resolve questions/issues
Deliberate on and establish rules, policies, business, strategies, etc.
Members in a small group
For members only on a representational basis
Members in a bigger groups
No membership required, smaller than congress
Regular or periodic gathering of people who belong to religious , cultural, professional or other associative groups
Meetings incentive