Preliminary Flashcards
it is the study of microanatomy of cells, tissue, and organs as seen through a microscope
it also examines the correlation between its structure and function
A group of tissues with similar functions
Involves the study of cells, ehich are the building blocks of life
are gial cells that cover the surface of nerve cell bodies in sensory, sympathetic, and parasympathetic ganglia
Satellite glial cells
What are the 4 types of tissue
He attributed as the first person to use a histologica; stain to color specimen observed under the microscope using SAFFRON
Anton Van Leeuwenhock
A British chemist and entrepreneur best known for his serendipitous discovery of the first synthetic organic dye, mauveine, made from aniline
Sir William Henry Perkin
Father of Modern Histology and Pathology
Marie Francois Xavier Bichat (177-1802)
his first major milestone in Histology came in 1668 with the publication of a small book called “Micrographia”
Robert Hooke
It is recognized as the first published record of the word “cell”
study of tissues removed from living patients during surgery to help diagnose a disease and determine the treatment plan
Surgical Pathology
Involves the process of selecting, identifying antigens (proteins) in cells of a tissue section by exploiting the principke of antibodies binding specifically to antigens in biological tissues
Immunohistochemistry (HIC)
The word Histology was coined in 1819 by
August Franz Joseph Karl Mayer
“le tissu” in french, the Greek word for cloth is
Specific type of stem cells (leukemia, cancer) capable of evolving into many different types of specialized cells within the body
Stem Cell Biology
Disease process characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of cells
Cancer Pathophysiology
Microscopic examination of tissue in order to study the manifestation of disease
Medical procedure involving the examination of the dead body
Details the tissues of teeth, peridonthium
Oral Histology
The Study of disease at the cellular level
4 uses of histology
Diagnosis for treatment
In Forensic Investigations
it helps student to understand and recognize different types of tissues and bridges the gap between anatomy and physiology by showing what happens to tissues at the cellular level
In Education
Histology slides are often used in teaching Laboratories to help students learn about the microstructures of human biological tissues
In Education
Biological tissue samples taken from a patient enable medical experts to learn and understand more the patients condition and make recommendations for its treatment or management
Diagnosis for Treatment
Forensic histology, Immunohistochemistry and cytology microscope study of biological tissues using various stains can help to clarify the cause of sudden unexpected deaths and other issues in forensic science
Forensic Investigations
Example in autopsy, biological tissues from a deceased person can be studied using histologica; techniques enabling expert (e.g. Pathologist reunexplained death of a persom) to learn about the circumstances and possible cause of death
Forensic Investigations
Study of biological cells and tissues recovered from archeological sites can provide information about history, even ancient history
The state of preservation of the biological material is critical and sometimes sufficient e.g. For bone histology and dental histology
It supports other tissue and bind them together
Connective tissue
Provides a covering (skin, the lining of the vsrious passages inside the body
includes striated (also called voluntary) muscles that move skeleton and smooth muscles such as the muscles that surrounds the stomach
Three major types of muscle tissue
Cardiac muscle
Made up of nerve cells (neurons) and is used to carry “messages” to and from various parts of the body
Also excitable, allowing the propagation of electrons chemical signals in the form of nerve impulses that communicate between different regions of the body
type of muscle that is long, thin spidly stuff that you picture when you hear muscle.
Skeletal Muscle
Type of muscle that is stripy, parallel fibers, or the muscles or striations
Skeletal Muscle
type of muscle that is rectangular shaped and has a single nucleus, but it’s dead giveaway are these things
Cardiac Muscle
They’re little passages that open between cardiac cells and let ,messages pass super quickly from cell to cell
Intercalated Discs
Type of muscle that surrounds organs that need to expand and constrict like blood vessels, the uterus, and the bladder.
Smooth Muscle
Smallest Type of Muscle
Smooth Muscle
A tissue that makes up most of our skin ad the borders between different organs
Epithelial Tissue
It can be cuboidal, or cube-shaped and a round little nucleus, squamous, or flat , squashed cell with a flat looking nucleus, or columnar, or column shaped.
Epithelial Tissue
The otherr type of striated muscle, but is found exclusively in the heart. They contract and send signals super quickly, so their structure reflects that
Cardiac Muscle
pretty much everywhere else which includes stuff like cartilage and tendons, but aso your bones and fat cells
Connective Tissue
It sit right next to each other in a nice, orderly line
Simple Epithelial Cells
Cells stacked on top of each other
Stratified Epithelial Cells
Layers of squished cells like a big stack of pancakes
Stratified Squamous Cells
An arrangement unique to columnar cells
Pseudo-stratified cells
All in one layer, but their top are uneven
Pseudo-stratified Cells
We can split nervous tissue into two cell types they are:
Nuerons and Glial Cells
three categories of connective tissue
- Loose
- Dense
- Specialized
Without a doubt the superstar of the nervous system, partly because they have this beautiful branching shape
Non-living material, like collagen and elastin fibers that give the connective tissue some tensile strength
Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
Bone has specialized cells called
The most common cells that can support extracellular matrix
specialized connective tissue that maintain cartilage
fat has living cells in it called ___________ that store energy among other things