PRELIM LEC Flashcards
Health Care Delivery System
primary unit of care or basic unit of service of community health care where primary prevention is given priority.
“3” E’s nursing service
(Effective, Efficient and Equitable)
Occupational Health Nursing
Mental Health Nursing
School Health Nursing
the application of nursing principles and procedures in conserving the health of workers in all occupation.
Occupational health nursing
What is RA 1054
301 employees-OHN, supplies, equipment, physician, dentist, permanent clinic (1:100) or accessible hospital within 2km are required.
defined as a stage of well-being where a person can realize his or her own abilities, to cope with the normal stresses of life and work productively
Mental health
ecialized practice of public health nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates normal development, and advances academic success
School nursing
densely populated or overpopulated community can easily be attacked by communicable diseases
Population Size and Density
general health promotion and specific
Primary Level of Prevention
- early detection and prompt intervention
Secondary Level of Prevention
reduce the effects of disease and injury, and restore individuals to their optimal level of functioning
Tertiary Level of Prevention
Provides direct nursing care to sick or disabled in the home, clinic, school, or workplace
Provider of Nursing Care
Motivates and enhances community participation in terms of planning, organizing,
Community Organizer
Coordinates with individuals, families, and groups for health-related services provided by various members of the health team.
Coordinator of Services
Conducts training for RHMe and hilots on promotion of health and disease prevention
Trainer, Health Educator
Maintain adequate, accurate, and complete recording and reporting
study of human populations— their size, composition and distribution across space —and the process through which populations change.
Demography —
roles of Demography Community Health Nurses pertaining to:
Number of birth
Aging of population
Gender distribution
Educational attainment
Quantitative measures, usually expressed as rates, ratios, or proportions, that describe & summarize various aspects of the health status of the population.
Triangle has three corners (called vertices):
Agent, or microbe that causes the disease (the “what” of the Triangle)
Host, or organism harboring the disease (the “who” of the Triangle)
Environment, or those external factors that cause or allow disease transmission (the “where” of the Triangle)
Epidemiological Triangle
are generally based on the disease-specific incidence or prevalence for the common and severe diseases
Morbidity Indicators
Estimated from cross-sectional studies (surveys)
Provides an indication of the magnitude of a health problem
Prevalence Proportion (P)
Best measures to use for evaluating the effectiveness of health interventions
Incidence Measures
sometimes called force of mortality is defined as the rate with which mortality occurs in a given population:
Crude death rate (CDR)
A good index of the level of health in a community because infants are very sensitive to adverse environmental conditions
Infant Mortality Ratio (IMR)
Postneonatal Mortality Rat
Neonatal Mortality Rate
“Death of a female from any cause related to or aggravated by pregnancy or its management (excluding accidental or incidental causes)
Maternal death:
measures how fast people are added to the population through births
Crude birth rate (CBR)
specific rate than the CBR since births are related to the population sub-group deemed to be capable of giving birth,
General Fertility Rate (GFR)
reproductive age group: of General Fertility Rate (GFR)
15-49 years in some countries; 15-44 years in others including the Philippines
ongoing, systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of health-related data needed for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice.
Public health surveillance:
integrates health statistics generated through the major disease surveillance systems in the country, viz.,
Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (PIDSR)
established the civil registry system in the Philippines and requires the registration of the virtual events, such as births, marriages and deaths.
Acts 3753 (Civil Registration Law, Philippines Legislature).
assigned the function of the civil registration to local governments and mandated the appointment of Local (city/ municipal) Civil registrars.
RA 7160 (Local Government Code)
known as Sanitation Code requires a death certificate before burial of the deceased.
PD 856
Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) is the official recording and reporting system of the DOH and is used by the NSCB to generate health statistics.
EO 352,
sual image of trends in data over time or age. This is appropriate for time series.
Line Graph:
show percentage distribution or composition of variable, such as population or households
Pie Chart