Pregnant Pop Flashcards
Hormonal changes
extensive anatomical and physiologic changes all major body system
Inc. in levels of estradiol, progesterone, HCG drive many of the pregnancy-related endocrine and metabolic changes
Cardiovascular changes
Erythrocyte mass and plasma volume increase
Cardiac output increases
Systemic vascular resistance and pressure fall
Musculoskeletal changes
From weight gain and the hormone relaxin
Lumbar lordosis
Ligamentous laxity in the SI joints and pubic symphysis
Anatomy and Physiology
Breast changes
Enlarge moderately-Hormone stimulation
Increased vascularity
Hyperplasia of glandular tissue
Become more nodular @ 3rd month
Colostrum may be expressed.
Areolae darken
Montgomery’s glands are more pronounced.
Venous pattern increasingly visible
Pelvic changes
Uterus palpable beyond 12 to 14 wks
straightens (from anteverted) and rises up out of the pelvis
rotates to the right to accommodate sigmoid
Clears for the left side of the pelvis
Cervic Chnges
Chadwick’s sign-blue color on cervix. Early sign,
Hegar’s sign-softer lower uterine segment soft. palable
Mucous plug-prevent ascending infection. @4wks. Falls or disintegrate. W/in cervix, cant see
generally not noticeable on physical examination
1st trimester up to 14 weeks
2nd trimester 14-27 weeks
3rd trimester 28 weeks to birth
Prenatal Care Visits
Initial visit
Confirm the pregnancy with lab tests, US
Assess the health status
Risk stratification for fetus and mother
Counsel, educate, support
At every visit check:
Assess health status of the mother and fetus
Educate to ensure a healthy pregnancy
Glucose, protein, asymptomatic UTI
Examine for edema, fundal height, fetal heart tones
General inspection
Overall health status, emotional state, nutritional status
Vital signs
Baseline blood pressure is very important in establishing
BP >140/>90 after 20 weeks’ gestation with proteinuria or end-organ damage
SBP > 140 or DBP > 90 after 20 weeks on two occasions at least 4 hours apart in a women with no hx of HTN or
BP >160/110 confirmed within minutes and proteinuria > 300 mg/24hours, +1 on dipstick or protein:creatinine > 0.3
New onset HTN without proteinuria + platelets < 100,000, LFTs twice normal, Cr > 1.1 or doubles, pulmonary edema or new onset cerebral or visual symptom
Gestational hypertension
BP becomes elevated >140/>90 after 20 weeks’ gestation
Chronic hypertension:
blood pressure is elevated >140/>90 before 20 weeks’ gestation
Weight and BMI (body mass index) are very important
Low BMI (<19.9)28- to 40-lb. Normal BMI (19.9-26) 25- to 35-lb. High BMI (26.1-29)15- to 25-lb. Obese BMI (>29)<15-lb.