MSK-LE Flashcards
Inf Scapula- T7 Spine of Scapula-T4 C7-biggest bone in cerivical spine Last rib-T12 Iliac crest- L4 PSIS-S2
Ischial bursitis- pt. has history of tenderness with sitting on hard surface on the sits bone; usually thin, boney frame
Trochanteric bursitis- tenderness of the bursa with radiation into the anterior/lateral thigh. Biggest bursa
Common fibular n. (pierces piriformis sometimes)
Tibia n.
True sciatica radiates pain below the knee
Check straight leg raise for lumbar radiculopathy
Pain referral
HIp pain- referred from back
Neck pain- referred from upper back
Shoulder pain- check neck and back
INspect: gait; symmetry, atrophy, skin, deformity; leg length discrepancy (true or apparent)
Trendelenburg gait: if opposite drops during gait, ipsilateral GM weak
If patient is not ambulatory and/or in severe pain check one leg shorter and hip rotated (hip displaced)
Palpation: iliac crest, ASIS, greater trochanter, inguinal ligament, PSIS, SI joints, ischial tuberosity, bursae
Active ROM and Strength: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal and external rotation
Passive ROM if indicated
Knee compartments
Medial compartment
Lateral compartment
Patellofemoral compartment
Patellar Tendon
tenderness or inability to extend knee may suggest complete or partial tear of patellar tendon
Patella Alta
AROM EXT w/ any ant. KNEE pain
Ligaments and Meniscus
Meniscal palpable along jt line.
Examination of the Knee
Inspection: swelling, deformity, quadriceps atrophy
Palpation: femoral and tibial condyles, joint line, patella, tibial tuberosity, posterior aspect of knee, infrapatellar space
ROM & Strength: flexion (hamstrings), extension (quads)
Special Test-Ballotement
joint effusion inside. (rigid spread)
compress suprapatellar pouch then push “ballot” patella and watch for return of fluid to the pouch
milk effusion down from suprapatellar pouch, then stroke downward on the medial aspect of the knee with pressure to displace fluid into the lateral area then tap just lateral to the patella and look for a bulge in the medial compartment
Balloon sign-
compress suprapatellar pouch downward and feel for fluid wave around the patella (medially and laterally)
Varus and Valgus
Valgus-slightly abducted. hand at the lateral aspect of the knee joint and the other hand at the medial aspect of the distal tibia. valgus stress is applied 0 (PCL and condlyles protects) and 30deg (MCL only)
Varus- hand at the medial aspect of the patient's knee and the other hand at the lateral aspect of the distal fibula. varus stress is applied 0 and 30deg. a soft or absent end point indicates complete rupture (third-degree tear) of the ligament.
Lachman’s: ACL
effusions immediately 10-20m.following the injury. 15-30deg flx. Stablize Femur, then attempts to sublux the tibia anteriorly. Lack of a clear end point indicates a positive
Anterior drawer: ACL
a supine position knee flexed to 90 degrees. slight external rotation (by sitting on the foot) and then places thumbs at the tibial tubercle and fingers at the posterior calf. pulls anteriorly and assesses anterior displacement of the tibia