MSK-UE Flashcards
- Synovial Joint membrane
- Synovial cavity
- Joint capsule
- lines synovial cavity, secretes fluid
- separates the bones and cushions the joint
- is fibrous structure that surrounds membrane-syndesmois (little healing)
3 Type of jOints
- Synovial- extra movement
- Cartilaginous- bony surface separate by disc
- Fibrous- bone direct contact
- Inspection:
Active ROM
- joint symmetry, alignment and bony deformities
Surrounding tissues for skin changes (erythema), nodules, muscle atrophy, swelling
EX- squaring of shoulder= Anterior shoulder dislocation - joint for crepitus, tenderness, deformity
Surrounding tissues for skin changes (warmth), nodules, muscle atrophy
3.test joint function and stability, integrity of ligaments
4.FIRST then passive ROM if appropriate.
Isolate GH place at 90deg ABD
Strength testing:
test against resistance to grade strength of the muscle
evaluates muscular strength and nerve function which controls that muscle
Part of neurological exam
documented as part of musculoskeletal exam
scale from 0-5
5/5 is normal strength
Glenohumeral Joint Ball and socket joint Large ROM Sternoclavicular Joint Acriomoclavicular Joint
Muscles of the Shoulder
Scapulohumeral Group
Rotator Cuff: SITS
Axioscapular Group
Help rotate the scapula
Axiohumeral Group
Internal rotation of the shoulder
Biceps tendon
Long head of biceps enclosed in synovial sheath
Subacromial bursa
Lies on top of supraspinatus tendon between head of the humerus and the acromion
Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Rotation Internal External Circumduction
Palpation of shoulder
Acromion process
Acromioclavicular joint: find the anterior tip of the acromion, distal end of the clavical
Coracoid process
Crossover Test
Adduct patient’s arm across chest as you palpate the AC joint
Pain= positive test
AC or SC joint disease
Shoulder ROM and MMT
Internal/external rotation
MMT-Shrug (CN XI)
Sulcus Sign: Glenohumeral Instability
Sulcus sign: arm straight and relaxed to side of pt, elbow is grasped and downward traction is applied; a depression at the acromion indicates glenohumeral instability
Drop Arm Test
: patient fully abducts arm to shoulder level, ask them to lower the arm slowly.
POSITIVE= If the patient cannot control the movement on the way down that is a “positive drop arm test,” which indicates a potential tear in a rotator cuff muscle
Stick to 90ABD bc above will be scapothoracic muscles helping
grinding sensation. Articular cartilage irregular or loss