Elderly Thorax Lungs
Same. Subtle pulmonary fx
Elderly CV
After age 40
S3 heard dilation of LV from CHF
S4- heard, ventricular compliance and impaired filling
Murmurs- Sytolic crescendo-decrencdo murmur 2nd ICS= aortic stenosis (leaflets calcified, cause outflow issues, inc )
Carotid arteries- systolic bruits (atherosclerosis)
Aortic sclerosis-fibrous and calcification, no impede of blood flow (mitral regurgitation- volume overload inc. LV)
Elderly PV
Dimisnhe or absent+ arterical occulsion
Elderly Abdomen
Wide aorta >3cm= aortic aneurysm. Pain and fever less pronounced
Elderly Breast
Lumps or masses= further test***
Size dec, glands tissue atrophy, replaced by fat, ducts firm, stringy
Elderly Female Pelvic
lubrication, adjust time for position
menopause 48-55yo (hot flasher up to 5yrs.
W/in 10yr no longer palpable
Elderly Male Pelvic
Red Flag-masses or nodules in rectum, or prostate
ED common
Tactile stimulation
Prostate proliferation of tissue inc. BPH (50% have sx) -70s
Eldery MSK
Deficits-joint deformity, ROM, mobility, pain inc.
Sig. shortening, ht, muscle
IV disc thinner, collapse from osteoporosis. Bones dec bulk and power
Elderly Neuro
Red flags- if any deficits. Memory and Affect
Gait and Balance- fall risk
Motor, sensory, reflexes. Most do well, dig deep
Elderly Facts
New life expectancy=81 women, Men 79 over 85 5% inc pop Health span goals 95% over 65 commuitiy 5% LTC Goal Long term health and safety
Elderly Anatomy and Physiology
Optimal aging: individuals who escape onset of debilitating disease entirely live healthy lives into their 80’s and 90’s
changes in physiologic reserve that occur over time (Independent by diseases)
Usually appear during periods of stress such as dehydration, shock, or other acute illnesses
Elderly VS
BP systolic inc (stiff widen arteries) HR- pacemaker cells decline, slow down response to physio stress RR- unchanged Temp- susceptible ot hypothermia Isolated S BP, triples risk of CHD
Eldery Skin nails, hair
skin fragile: actinic purpura. Nails- yellow thick, toes Hair-loss everywhere Seborrheic keratoses Nummular ecxema Actinic keratoses Stasis ulcers Basal Cell carcinoma
Eye-dry, recede in orbit, cornea lose luster, pupils smaller, Presbyopia: lens loses ability to focus, difficult to see objects up close (begins around age 40)
Cataract, normal Drusen-retina extracelluar material
Ears-presbycusis- hearing low tones better, afflicted person fails to catch upper tones of words while hearing lower ones, causing words to sound distorted
Throat-diminished saliva, taste, thirst (meds or disease). Leukoplakia- normal exudate, but risk
Elderly Lung
capacity decreases (stiff joint thoracic cavity and muscles), kyphosis, Barrel chest no effect
Warm, safe environment
Face them and speak low tones
Time be patient
Included family
Red flags- fatigue, appetite, thirst, dizzy, pain.
Large print
Tools- 10m Screen, MMSE, Depression scale, Lawton IADL
Sixth Vital Sign
Risk for falls
Attn on mainting independence
10min screen