Pregnancy management Flashcards
Morning sickness is typically due to:
Spleen/Stomach disharmony
Where does the Chong mai connect to the Stomach mai?
St 30
Questions to ask about morning sickness:
Time of day sickness occurs? Any pain or dull ache present? How does eating affect the sickness? How does activity affect the sickness? Presentation of morning sickness - mild nausea without vomiting, vomiting a little while eating What is being vomited? Is there any thirst? Is there any specific taste to the mouth? Sticky / bitter / sweet / sour / loss of taste
Morning sickness patterns
Speen and Stomach Xu
Liver and stomach disharmony
Liver and Gallbladder disharmony
What is the crossing point of Spleen, Stomach, and Ren?
What are varicose veins in TCM?
Qi and blood stagnation coupled with spleen qi xu sinking
LBP/Sciatica Patterns
Qi and Blood Stagnation
Kidney Xu
Best points for SPD
Du20, Li4, ST36, Bl60
plus local painful points
Fetal failure to grow pattern
Blood/Spleen and Kidney Qi Xu
When is the most effective time to turn a breech baby?
32-35 weeks, may be successful up to 38 weeks
When to not turn a breech:
Twins Hx of breech High BP Bleeding in pregnancy Rhesus negative maternal blood - there is a risk this will mix with fetal blood, which is unknown group.