PREFLOP Flashcards
What are the 3 considerations whe ISOing limper(s)
- Frequent strength
- Fold equity
- Position
Why call pocket pairs rather than ISO in a limped pot?
Because our hand lacks frequent strength and fold equity, so it makes the most sense to come along cheap to set mine
vs weak rec limp why ISO 86s on BTN?
We have good fold equity vs player profile, are rarely going to get 3bet, hand has decent frequent strength (better than small pocket pair)
Why should we iso smaller from btn with aggro regs in blinds?
Because we are going to get 3bet sometimes therefore we can call a 3bet more often if we raise smaller and get 3bet smaller
SB KJo vs weak reg btn limp and tight reg in bb why iso and what size?
4/5bb, hand lacks position but has good frequent strength and fold equity and we are rarely getting 3bet from bb
SB KJo vs weak reg btn limp and tight reg in bb why iso and what size?
4/5bb, hand lacks position but has good frequent strength and fold equity and we are rarely getting 3bet from bb
What are the 2 reasons to call an open in position?
- Value - Our hand is strong enough to play vs villians opening range but not strong enough to 3 bet
- Implied odds - although our hand is behind the openers range we have a favourable ratio of investment to average payout and nut potential
CO (unknown) opens we are BTN with AJo passive rec SB tight reg BB best play?
vs a loose rec we definitely 3bet vs unknown 3bet is fine but call is also fine because we have position and have a passive rec in SB so we are happy for them to come along with hands we dominate like J9 A5 etc
CO (unknown) opens we are BTN with AJo passive rec SB tight reg BB best play?
vs a loose rec we definitely 3bet vs unknown 3bet is fine but call is also fine because we have position and have a passive rec in SB so we are happy for them to come along with hands we dominate like J9 A5 etc
Why would previous example be worse if there was a loose aggro player in the BB?
Because we are likely to face a squeeze which inflates the pot and denies equity realisation ie is lower EV
Why would previous example be worse if there was a loose aggro player in the BB?
Because we are likely to face a squeeze which inflates the pot and denies equity realisation ie is lower EV
Unknown raises CO we have KQo on BTN SB aggro reg BB tough pro best play?
We are going to be squeezed at a very high frequency if we call and if we 3bet we are rarely getting 4bet as our range is uncapped
44 on BTN s MP open from spewy rec, unknown players in blinds, best action?
Call, we have great implied odds and 3betting makes no sense, inflating the pot with a hand that has low frequent strength so will be very hard to navigate post flop even with position. We are also happy for the blinds to come along when we are set mining
65s in SB vs unknown UTG open semi pro in BB. best action?
Implied odds are lacking here, a low suited connector performs worse than a small pair in out flopping a strong range. We have the worst position at the table, and these small SC hands realize their equity in small stages this is bad when oop vs a range that will often bet.
4 reasons to call from the BB?
- The price is favourably small
- We have pott odds
- Our hand has some playability (Q4s for example)
- Villians range is wide ie BTN open