Cbetting IP Flashcards
What is the most common post flop cbetting spot IP?
we open BTN vs BB caller
Q73 Rainbow flop what do we do with our range in this situation and why?
Other than position what advantage do we have from the button?
our range is uncapped and contains all the strong hands which BB does not have the vast majority of the time because they did not 3bet ( TT+ KQs+ etc)
3 important observations from BTN
- Uncapped
- Starts with advantage
3.prefers dry and high flops
3 important observations from BB
- Capped
- Starts with disadvantage
- Prefers medium and wet flops
What is unselective cbetting ?
Cbetting on boards where BTN retains a big advantage, in which case he wants to bet very often using a small size, this denies equity and pushes our EV advantage while not risking too much with as very wide and merged range
Which boards do we adopt an unselective or ‘range bet’ strategy?
- Q73 rainbow
- 842 dd
- AK3 rainbow
- JT4 rainbow
- TT3 cc
- A97 rainbow
What is selective cbetting?
Boards where BB has equalized a decent part of our range advantage so our approach becomes selective or ‘polarised’
What does a selective cbetting strategy look like?
- Betting larger for value
- Betting as a bluff - but with some equity
- Checking air
- Checking showdown value
What are some flop examples for selective cbetting?
- J87cc
- 763 monotone
- KQT hh
- 987 rainbow
- QJJcc
- 985ss