Preflight - Obtaining Weather Information Flashcards
Explain the process you will use to obtain a good weather briefing prior to your flight?
Big picture several days prior
Outlook briefing from FSS/DUAT
Standard briefing FSS/DUAT
In the event of any questionable weather get Abbreviated brief prior to takeoff
What are some examples of other sources of weather information?
Telephone Information Briefing Service (TIBS)(FSS)
Weather and aeronautical information available from various sources
DUATS/DUATS II for weather and flight plan filing
Alaska- transcribed weather broadcast (TWEB/TEL-TWEB)
What pertinent information should a weather briefing include?
Adverse conditions VFR recommendation Synopsis Current conditions Enroute forecast Destination forecast Winds aloft NOTAMs ATC delay
While en route, how can a pilot obtain updated weather information?
FSS on 122.2 and RCO freq. ATIS broadcasts HIWAS Datalink weather ATC
What is HIWAS?
Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service
automated continuous broadcast of inflight advisories provided by FSS of VORs
What is Flight Information Service (FIS) and how does it work?
FIS-B is ground broadcast service provided by Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) over 978 MHz Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) data link