Prefixes Flashcards
What does the latin prefix “A” mean?
Away from. Examples : Against, alone
What does the Greek prefix “A” mean?
Not, no. Examples: Asocial, anarchy.
What does the latin prefix “ab” mean?
from; away from. Examples: abnormal, absent.
What does the Latin prefix “AD” mean?
toward. Examples : address, advance
What does the Latin prefix “ALTER” mean?
another. Examples : alternate, alter ego.
What does the Greek prefix “AMPHI” mean?
around, both. Examples : amphibious, ambient
What does the Greek prefix “ANA” mean?
up. Examples : analysis, analogy , anabasis(marching up)
What does the Latin prefix “ANTE” mean?
before. Examples : antecedent, anteroom
What does the Greek prefix “ANTI” mean?
against. Examples : antisocial, antibiotics
What does the Latin prefix “CIRCUM” mean?
around. Examples : circumference, circumnavigate
What does the Latin prefix “CO” mean?
with, together. Examples : Compress, compact
What does the Latin prefix “CON” mean ?
with, together. Examples : contract, converge
What does the Latin prefix “CONTRA” mean?
against. Examples : contrast, contradict
What does the Latin prefix “DE” mean?
down, down from. Examples : depart, detach, decline
What does the Greek prefix “DIA” mean?
through. Examples : diameter, diagonal
What does the Latin prefix “DIS” mean?
apart, away from. Examples : dismiss, disperse
What does the Greek prefix “DYS” mean?
bad. Examples : dysfunction, dysentery(infection of intestines)
What does the Latin prefix “E” mean?
out of. Examples : emit, eject
What does the Greek prefix “EC” mean?
outside. Examples : ecosystem, economy
What does the Greek prefix “EM” mean?
in, within. Examples : embed, emphasis
What does the Greek prefix “EN” mean?
in, within. Examples : enclosed, enter
What does the Greek prefix “EPI” mean?
upon. Examples : episode, epistle, epidermis,
What does the Latin prefix “EX” mean?
out of, away from. Examples : exit, exhale
What does the Greek prefix “HYPER” mean?
over. Examples : hyperactive, hypertensive
What does the Latin prefix “IN” mean?
in, into, on, against, not. Examples : invite, interior
What does the Latin prefix “INTRO” mean?
inside. Examples : introvert, introduce
What does the Latin prefix “OB” mean?
against. Examples : obstacle, object
What does the Latin prefix “OMNI” mean?
every, all. Examples : omnibus, omnidirectional
What does the Latin prefix “PER” mean?
through. Examples : perform, persuade, persistent
What does the Greek prefix “PERI” mean?
around. Examples : perimeter, periscope, peripheral
What does the Latin prefix “POST” mean?
after. Examples : postpone, postdate
What does the Latin prefix “PRE” mean?
before. Examples : prefix, predict, pre-school
What does the Latin prefix “RE” mean?
back, again. Examples : redo, report, recall, reverse
What does the Latin prefix “RETRO” mean?
backwards. Examples : retrorocket, retroactive, retrospect
What does the Latin prefix “SUB” mean?
beneath. Examples : submerge, submarine
What does the Latin prefix “SUPER, SUR” mean?
above. Examples: superior, superhero, surreal, surpass
What does the Greek prefix “SYM” mean?
with, together. Examples : symbiosis, symbolize, symmetry
What does the Greek prefix “SYN” mean?
with, together. Examples : synergy, synopsis, synchronize
What does the Latin prefix “TRANS” mean?
across. Examples : transmit, transport, transfer
What does the Greek prefix “TELE” mean?
distant. Examples : telephone, telegram