Pre Test Review Flashcards
What are the at power trips blocked by P7?
PRZ Pressure Low
PRZ Water Level High
RCS Loss of Flow
UV on RCP Busses
UF on RCP Busses
RCP Breaker Position
What are the inputs to OT Delta T?
Delta T
PRZ Press
What does OT Delta T Protect from?
What are the inputs for OP Delta T?
Delta T
What does OP Delta T protect from?
KW / Ft
What starts the CEQ Fans?
1 psi in Containment.
NOT Phase A
What is the function of P4?
+ Low Tavg = FWI
Permits manual block of auto SI Signals
What are the setpoints for P6 while going up in power?
10-10 Amps
What are the setpoints for P6 coming down in power?
6 x 10-11 amps
When does the SR Hi flux at SD alarm blocked clear?
10-10 amps
What are the 4 functions of P10?
Permits manual block of:
- PR Hi Flux Trip, Low Setpoint
- IR Trip
- IR Rod Stop
Also is the backup de-energization of SR
Which rod stops are for auto and manual rod withdrawal?
How are rods affected during a PR NI failure - High?
Rods insert and will not withdraw bc of C2
What is C9?
1 Circ Pump Breaker Closed
3/3 Condenser Vac >= 20.6 “Hg
When is AMSAC enabled?
2/2 Turbine Impulse Pressures >40%
When is the runback of the MFP enabled?
> 60% power
What is the only pressurizer level failure that will not cause a trip with no operator action?
Bistable fails high
While PRZ Heaters be protected during a cooldown?
No. Actual level will be less than 17% when indicated on the hot cal
What is the TRM Temperature for aux spray delta T?
Which pressure channel inputs into QMO-225, East CCP ELO?
Which pressure channel inputs into QMO-226, West CCP ELO?
What must be done if SDM is not within the COLR limits?
Borate to restore within 15 mins
What is QLC-451, VCT Level control primarily responsible for?
Starts at 14%. Stops at 24%
Divert trips open at 87%
Has high, Low and Low low alarm. As well as MU Not in Auto
What is QLC-452, VCT Level control primarily responsible for?
Starts at 78%. Full open at 87%.
Has Low and Low Low alarm