Pre-Term + Maternal Infection Flashcards
What is term
37 weeks - 41
What is preterm
Onset <37 weeks
What is extreme
24-28 weeks
What is ddx of pre-term labour
UTI Pelvic girdle pain Braxton Hix Constipation IBS Diarrhoea Concealed abruption
What can cause pre-maturity
Spontaneous / idiopathic = most common Induced for maternal / fatal reasons - PET / DM Endocrine Overdistension - poly / twins / deformity Uterine abnormality Cervical disease / malformation APH - any Ischaemia Infection Smoking Malnutrition Allograft reaction Allergic
RF for pre-term
Previous pre-term PPROM Vaginal bleed Short Cervix Previous LLETZ Smoking Small baby Abnormal lie
When is LLETZ CI
Women who still want children due to risk
How do you Dx pre-term labour
Contractions + cervical change on VE
What do you do if high risk of pre-term
USS to look for cervical length
Avoid regular VE
What is FFN
Glycoprotein in vaginal secretion
10% go into early labour if +Ve
How do you prevent pre-term
Vaginal progesterone if short cervix found on USS <25mm
Cervical cerclage if Hx of PPROM or trauma - requires GA to put stitch which is removed before labour
Treat any infection
How do you assess suspected pre-term
Speculum and VE to see if os open
Blood and urine and swab to look of rinfection
What do you do if FFN +Ve
2 doses IM steroids - dexamethasone
Monitor BM as steroid = hyper