APH Flashcards
What is APH
Haemorrhage from genital tract >24 weeks but before delivery
What causes APH
Placenta praevia Placenta abruption Placenta accreta Vasa praevia Blood conditions Local lesions - polyp / ectropion Infection Trauma Cancer Uterine rupture
What local lesions cause APH
Cervical erosions due to high oestrogen Polyps Cervical cancer Cervicitis Trichomonas / thrush Lochia UTI STI
Do speculum when praevia excluded and smear test
What blood conditions can lead to APH
ITP Anti-coagulant Von Hillebrand Leukaemia Hodkings Anti-phospholipid syndrome = Haematology input
What do you want to know in regards to bleeding / examination and investigation
Timeframe and amount of bleeding Amount, onset, duration, progress Any pain Other Sx Fetal movement Contractions / rupture of membrane Full gynaecologist Hx RF
Signs of shock
Abdo exam
VE only if praevia excluded by USS
How do you manage bleeding
Admit to assessment unit
Mx depends on amount of bleeding, condition of mother, gestation
What is mild moderate severe
Mild = <50ml
Moderate = 50-1000ml no signs of shock
Massive >1000ml or signs of shock
What do you do if very severe / maternal shock or fatal distress
What do you do if discharge
High risk pregnancy
What is placenta praaevia
All or part of placenta attached to lower segment of uterus
Grade 1 = encroaches internal cervical os
Grade 2 = placenta reaches internal os
Grade 3 = placenta covers os
Grade 4 = central
What is minor and what is major
Minor = grade 1 and 2 Major = grade 3 and 4
What are the symptoms of placenta praevia
Painless PV bleed Often small before large Soft non-tender uterus Malpresentation High foetal head Abnormal lie Heart normal Coag normal Maternal condition correlates with amount of bleeding
What are RF for placenta praaevia
Multiple pregnancy Multipariy Smoking Age - older Previous praevia Previous C-section - low scar Uterine abnormality e.g. fibroid Assisted conception
How do you Dx placenta praevia
USS - may be Dx before symptoms MRI - not widey use Abdo exam CTG NO VAGINAL EXAM AS RISK OF RUPTURE
What type of USS and what does it show
Transvaginal safe Usually picked up at 20 week scan Shows location of placenta May show abruption - DDX More accurate if anterior placenta
What do you do with regards to labour if picked up
Planned C-section at 37 due to risk of haemorrhage
Posterior better as see baby first
May need easier if major bleed
What do you do if spotting or bleeding stopped
Monitor as high risk
What do you do if severe bleed / shock / distress
ABCDE Resus 2 large bore cannula IV fluid X match FBC, U+E, LFT, cotting High flow O2 Transfusion to maintain BP >100 Catheterise Monitor urine >30ml / hour Arrange USS CTG Steroid for lung maturity
When would you deliver
If near EDD
If heavy bleeding
If fatal distress / severe IUGR
What are risks of praevia
Hypovolaemic shock
Hypoxia -> cerebral palsy