Pre-Op assessment Flashcards
3 main preop questions
- is this the pts optimal health
- could health problems or med unexpectedly influence preoperative events?
- Can or should the pts physical or mental condition be improved before surg?
optimal preop situation
1 week before in clinic
- interview, physical exam, make a plan,
- promotes teaching and decreases anxiety.
- allows time to schedule consults gets diagnostic testing
- obtain informed consent
conditions that need early preop
- Cardiac: angina CHF, MI, CAD, poorly controlled HTN
- Resp: COPD, severe asthma, airway abnormalities, home O2, vent
- Endo: adrenal disease, active thyroid disease
- Liver disease
- Obesity
- Symptomatic GERD
- Severe kyphosis, spinal cord injury
What the OR schedule tells you 5
-procedure and diagnosis
-length of produce and position
-the surgeon
-type of anesthesia
additional meds needed
X-rays needed?
OR table position
Preop interview 6 purpose
- obtain pertinent medical hx
- formulate plan
- obtain informed consent
- improve efficiency, decrease cost
- patient education
- utilize operative experience to motivate pt to more optimal health status
Preop interview general
introduce confirm ID, diagnosis, procedure open ended ? general to specific individualized controlled environment +/-family
Preop interview includes
review of systems LMP Meds Allergies Previous anesthetics and surg: complications, (pt and fam) and OB exercise tolerance Sleep apnea ETOH/Drug/tobacco
Physical exam summed up
general impression. ht/wt physical features airway heart lungs CNS/PNS VS Surg site IV positioning monitors needed
physical exam airway
mallampati thyromental distance head, neck mvmt neck circumference incisor distance dentition craniofacial deformities **looking for prefecture of difficult airway
physical exam heart and CV and lung
Auscultation: rate, rhythm, murmur, bruits, extremity pulse
lung: inspection, auscultation, percussion palpation
physical exam neuro
extent of exam depends on baseline defect
- motor: gait, grip, hold hands up
- sensory: vibration, pain, touch along dermatomes
- muscle reflexes: deep, superficial
- cranial nerve abnormalities
- mental status
- speech
physical exam obesity basic
20% over IBW
BMI 30-39.9
Pre-procedure lab testing goal 4
decrease anesthetic morbidity
increased quality of prop care
decreased cost
return pt to desirable functioning
lab test down side
NOT good disease screening follow up to abnormals can be $ nonindicated test increase risk to pt can create medical/legal risk to provider decrease efficiency and increase cost.
lab test questions
will the result of this test change my mgmt? improve pt care?
needed to confirm suspicion? but will result change plan?
suspected abnormality linked to morbidity?
higher than average likelihood of an abnormality?
***will the result affect the plan