obesity Flashcards
obesity stats
2nd leading cause of preventable death
68% of pop considered overweight/obese
multifactoral chronic disease
Ideal Body Weight
male: 105lbs +6lbs for ever inch over 5ft
female: 100lbs +5lbs for evert inch over 5ft.
* *helpful in calculating drug dose to avoid toxicity or hemodynamic instability
Body Mass Index
-accepted measure of of body build that normalize for adiposity and height
BMI 25-29
weight is 20% more than ideal body weight
BMI> 30
have deviations in anatomic, physiologic, biochemical
-associated with morbidity of stroke, ischemia heart disease, DM, certain CA
morbidly obese
class 123
1: BMI 30-34
2 35-39
3 >40
increased incidence of DM and heart vascular disease leads to
difficult intubation decreased PaO2 increased gastric volume decreased gastric pH increased post op wound infection increased rick of pulm embolism sudden death poor 30 day outcome
obesity problems
obstuctive sleep apnea (restrictive lung disease
Ischemia heart disease
delayed gastric emptying—aspiration risk
hepatobiliary disease
Thrombembolic disease- needs SCD, sub heparin
musculoskeletal disease
Post Op DVT risk factors
venouse stasis
BMI >60?
resp changes obesity
decreased FRC: less safe apnea time
decreased ERV
increase MV
TV may fall into range of closing capacity
increase O2 consumption/CO2 production
decreased chest wall compliance
increased pull resistance: restrictive lung pattern
Pulm function test may remain normal: until obesity worsens and see lung disease and pulm HTN
positing changes obesity
supine: difficulty preO2ing, sniffing position, can see rapid desat
trendelenberg: can lead to V/Q mismatch, hypoxemia, increased R to L shunt
obesity and airway
abundant soft tissue inure airway
obstruction of airway
can impair mandible and cervical mobility creates difficulty maintaining a mask airway
difficult laryngoscopy and intubation
**consider fiberoptic
difficult airway: 5% risk neck circum of 40
35% risk neck circum of 60
Ramp up
premade wedge, or blankets
pt at 25degrees
up from midaxillary