airway assessment Flashcards
Airway assessment general
EVERYONE receives one
must consider type of anesthesia, surg
indications for intubation 6
airway protection maintain airway protection delivery predictable FiO2 maintain adequate O2 apply positive pressure vent provide positive end-expiratory pressure
indication for mask case
- no difficult airway present
- surgeon doesn’t need access to head/neck (expect BMT)
- no table position changes…always have access to head
- Short case
- no airway instrument needed-therefore avoid trauma, CV stimulation
- no airway bleeding/secretions
- must be able to ventilate by achieving a tight mask seal
- and can overcome upper airway obstruction with chin lift.
airway hx
previous anesthesia hx difficulty with prior anesthetics/intubation --past fiberoptic intubation --severe sore throat or dental damage coexisting disease surg hx that may effect airway mgmt
co-morbidities that may effect airway 11
lesions of larynx CA DM (problem with gastric emptying) obesity Rh arthritis-overflexion-spinal cord injury thyroid disease GERD musculoskeletal problems neck lesions---larynx can not be midline Sleep apnea Scleroderma--deposits on larynx
surg hx that might effect airway
neck dissection
UVPP-cut out uvula
cervical neck fusion—can flex chin to chest?
physical exam airway 11
- general appearance: head, neck (circum), facial hair
- mouth: lips, gums, tissue
- teeth: condition, missing, overbite, length of incisors, dentures, relationship of maxillary incisors to mandible incisors
- Mouth opening
- tongue size and mobility
- mandible: size, shape, overgrowth
- Thyromental distance
- Hyoidmental distance
- Cervical ROM (atlanto-occipital joint)
- listen to breath sounds
Mouth opening normal
> 4cm or >2 finger breaths
-laryngealblade are approx 2cm
Hyoidmental distance
distance hypiod to mandible—normal 2fb
Mandibular protrusion test class ABC
class A: lower incisors can be protruded anterior to upper incisors
Class B: lower can be brought edge to edge with upper
Class C: lower cannot be brought edge to edge with upper
dental assessment
GROSS poor dentition loose, chipped capped teeth removable bridges dentures COUNT Right upper 1- 16 bottom L 17-32
sniffing position
aligning oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axis
difficult airway predictors
-no ideal methods exit that is both high sensitive and specific to predict difficult airway
decreased head and neck mvmt
decreased jaw mvmt
receding mandible
“buck teeth” huge overbite
airway set up
laryngoscope/blades 2 types oral/nasal airway several sizes tongue depressor ETT 2 sizes with styles and syringe on cuff suction ambu-bag LMA #4--ETT 6.5 intubating LMA--8ETT
difficult airway cart
- airway set up AND…
- different laryngoscope blades
- ETT guides: bougi, semi-ridg stylets with or without hollow core, light wands, forceps-for distal portion of ETT
- various supraglottic airway devices
- fiberoptic
- retrograde intubation equipment
- jet ventilation
- surgical airway stuff