Position Flashcards
position general
- crna responsible, done for safety and comfort,
- slow changes at end of case
- can evoke undesirable physiological changes
documentation 5 positioning
- ROM prior to case
- intra op position
- frame/padding
- actually position
- frequent checks
transfer to OR table
- stretcher and OR table next to each other both locked
- OR table has draw sheet
- staff on both sides
- self transfer or assistance
- head aligned and watch extremities
most common -less physiological changes that others -has access to airway and arms (IVs) -no pressure on eyes -pillow under head: for better sniffing position and avoids dorsal extension/lateral flexion of neck (doughnut shaped pillow--avoids alopecia
Supine arms, feet, lumbar
- arms tucked- palm in, pad elbow, use draw sheet to tuck arms under torso (not mattress)
- Arm board-abduct less than 90 to avoid brachial plexus stretch, hands Palm Up SUPINATED (protects ulnar nerve)
- Feet: heels not hanging off bed and padded
- Lumbar: (all this improves venous return) hips and knees flexed, pillow under knees (caution for DVTs, but helps with low back pain)
- Legs not crossed, compression stockings/SCDs
CV changes in Supine
minimal effects
- initially increase venous return to heart,
- *increased preload, SVR, CO, BP which activates baroreceptors and PSN outflow so compensatory decrease HR and PVR
- Decreased venous drainage for lower extremities
- *IVC compression by masses: preg (put on L), ascities, obesity–may decreased venous return to heart and decreased CO
Ventilatory changes in Supine
FRC decreased 800ml
- diaphragm displacement and compression of lung bases
- and Muscle relaxant: decrease lung volume and loss of chest wall muscle tone.
Cerebral blood flow changes in Supine
minimal–tight autoregulation
mechanisms of nerve injuries 5 and diseases
- Stretching
- Transection
- Ischemia
- Compression
- Kinking
- Obesity, DM, Smoking
Brachial plexus injury (supine) cause and deficits(general)
-neck extension or head turned to side
-excessive abduction of arm >90
-arm falls of table
-electric shocks or buring sensation shooting down arm
-numbness or weakness in arm
1 and 2 injured
1 ulnar #2 brachial
Radial nerve injury (supine)
-external compression to radial nerve on lateral aspect of humerus from:
–surg retractor
–ether screen
–uneven arm boards
–repeat BP
-wrist drop
-weakness in abduction of them
-numbness in 1,2,3 digit
-inability at extending elbow
Ulnar injury
- most common injury
- in cubital tunnel in elbow groove
- Compression btwn olecaron and medial epicondyle–entrapment with arm extension
- Stretch with severe arm flexion
- Stretch with dislocation with pronated hand (dislocated over medial epicondyle)
- 3Xmore common in men
Ulnar injury symptoms
Claw hand
- inability to abduct or oppose 5th finger
- weak grip on ulnar side of fist
- Loss of sensation on palmer side of 4th and 5th finger
- eventually leads to atrophy of intrinsic muscles of hand
Reduce rick of Ulnar injury
- pad arm board
- avoid compression with strap
- assure surg personnel dont compress
- make sure BP cuff is Proximal (not in ulnar groove)
- Avoid prolonged elbow flexion
- used to treat hypotension by increasing venous return
- improves surg exposure in abd and lap surg
- *helps prevent air embolism with central line placement
- shoulder braces- used with EXTREME caution–away from the neck over AC joint
CV changes in trendelenberg
- short term for hypotension, increased Venous return..up to 1L
- decreased blood flow to lower extremities
- compression of heart
- activation of Baroreceptors: peripheral vasodilation and decreased HR (can make shock worse)
- *return to supine: slowly, decreased BP, venous pooling
Vent changes in Trendelenberg
- abd contents displace: impeding diaphragm
- -compressing lung bases
- -decreased lung compliance
- -decreased FRC and increase PIP
- Increase WOB (spot breathing)
- V/Q mismatch– increase perfusion in apex
- aspiration risk
- facial/airway edema
- ETT can become R mainstem
Cerebral blood flow Trendelenberg
- increased vascular congestion-gravity
- *CNS disease pt- NOT good candidate
Reverse Trandelenberg
Enhance surgical exposed of upper abd–shifting content down ex lap chole
- -Variation of this position use for Neck, shoulder and intracranial surg
- for physiological change– its a variation of sitting
- FOOT board: caution- excessive planter flexion for extended period of time– can cause Anterior tibial nerve injury–FOOT Drop
CV changes in Reverse Trendelenberg
decreased CO(20-40%), Preload, BP
-compensatory increase SNS tone, SVR and HR(30%) **this may be blunted by anesthetics
-Activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system
-Venous pooling in lower extremities (compression stockings)
Return to supine: increased CO secondary to increased venous return