Pre-flight planning: The route plan Flashcards
Dead Reckoning
estimating the direction and distance travelled rather than by using landmarks or astronomical observations.
VOR Compass rose is magnetic or true
1nm equal to X km?
Whats the name of the vent of the barometer / altimeter
static vent
Vertical distance from ground
height above ground level
height Above aerodrome level
vertical distance from sea level
Above mean sea level
How to calculate density altitude
- Calculate the pressure altitude at a given point (when QNH is 1013hPa)
- Calculate the temp. deviation from ISA (AT PRESSURE ALTITUDE)
- Calculate density altitude by applying the correction of 120ft per 1°celsius
What is density altitude used to calculate for
Critical performance calculations, such as takeoff and landing
Altimeter setting region
Semicircular Level System (/rule)
Cruising levels to maintain separation
0°M-179°M Cruising Altitudes for IFR and VFR
IFR: 1000ft, intervals of 2000ft
VFR: Odd ft + 500 ft, eg: 3500ft, 5500ft
180°M-359°M Cruising altitudes for IFR and VFR
IFR: 2000ft, intervals of 2000ft
VFR: Even ft + 500ft, eg: 4500ft, 6500ft
Flying at FL60 over terrain which is 1750AMSL
Local QNH 998hPa. ISA temp.
What is the height above the terrian
Airspeed indicator
How air speed is measured
using the pitot-static systme (pitot tube)
Dynamic pressure
Like the feeling when you put the hand out of the car’s window. The faster it drives, the more wind you feel on the hand, the more dynamic pressure.
Static pressure
Like the weight of the atmposhphere
Total pressure
Dynamic pressure + static pressure
Higher altitude, more / less dynamic pressure?
Less. There are less molecules of air
Calibrated air speed (indicated corrected for errors in the instrument)
Calculating TAS
- Calculatoe pressure altitude on the date of the flight
- Knowing pressure altitude and OAT, calculate TAS
True airspeed
Calibrated airpspeed corrected for non-standard atmosphere
FL20 how much in ft?
FL400 How much in ft
Curising 95kts at FL70, OAT -9, ASI error -6kt. what is TAS?
Destination is 77nm away;
Must arrive in 42 minutes
FL50 OAT+10
What is the appropriate CAS
When will GS=TAS?
No wind (need to verify)
Stalling speed with full flaps
Where should you find the maximum headwind and crosswing for an aircraft?
POH Pilots operating handbook
If maximum headwind or crosswind component not given, whats the formula
VS0 * 0.22 = maxium crosswind
Wind directions given by ATSU and ATIS or magnetic or nort
Need to know:
Calculate TAS from CAS
Calculate drift and t heading (afterwards magnetic heaidng) using wind side of e6b
Calculate maximum crosswind components and headwind using wideside
to do
Flying 179°C, with 11° right drift.
C Deviation 4°W
Variation 8°W
What is true track
Flying 255° true track, with 7° right drift
Variation 6°E
Deviation 2°W
what is compass heading
Flying 020°C with 5° right drift
Variation 3°E
Deviation 4°W
what is true track
Heading 116°T
TAS 130kt
GS 141kt
True track 120°T
What is wind speed and direction
7 Types of fuel required, list them
- Taxi fuel
- Trip fuel
- Contingency fuel
- Alternate fuel
- Final reserve fuel
- Minimum additional fuel
- (Extra fuel)
Taxi fuel
Amount of fuel expected to be used prior to takeoff
Trip fuel
Amount of fuel required for climb, cruise and descent. Must consider arrival procedures at dest. aerodromes
Contingency fuel
The highest of:
- 5% of planned trip fuel
- 3% of planned trip fuel if an enroute alternate aerodrome is available
- Sufficient fuel for 20 min based on accurate fuel consump. history for this aircraft
Alternate fuel
For missed approach and landing at alternate detination.
Final reserve fuel
To fly for an additional 45 minutes
Minimum additional fuel
To allow for 15 minute holding time
Takeoff alternate
Alternative aerodrome to land if this becomes necessary after a takeoff and not possible to use deparature aerodrome
Enroute alternate
Alternative aerodrome(s) if necessary during enroute
Destination alternate
Alternative aerodrome to land if destination aerodrome not applicable anymore