NAVAIDS Flashcards
VHF direction finding
What is VDF?
Requesting ATC to provide you with magnetic bearing to the station. (QDM). They detect the direction the VHF radio is coming form
Another name for radar
Surveillance radar
Is radar services confined only to controlled airspaces?
No, there’s LARS (lower airspace radar advisory service)
Secondary survellience radar name?
Survellience radar approach
Radar vectoring
When a radar controller passes heading steering to pilot
Radar definition
Detection of the reflected radio waves being sent from a specific direciton and received by the same direction
Speed of electromagnetic energy
speed of light, 300,000km per second (162,000nm)
How does radar know the distance from an object?
By measuring how long after the reflected echo returns
Radar shadows
Parts that radar cannot reach due to terrain, buildings, and curvatore of earth
Primary radar
Radar the makes use of reflected energy. Used for: survellience radar, and PAR (precision approach radar)
Disadvantages of primary radar
- Clutter from percipitation and high ground
-Uneven returns from different aircrafts
-Blind spots
Due to the disadvantages, what radar can be equipped with?
MTI, Moving target indicator
Which filters and shows only moving objects
What position should the transponder be while taxing
What position hould the transponder be before takeoff
For switching squawks that pass through emergency squawks (remember the selector is a knob) what should you do?
switch to standby first
Mode A, C, and S
Mode a - positon report
mode c - position and altitude
mode s - contains a unique 24-bit aircraft code
Mode S two stages
ELS - elementary survelience
EHS - Enhanded “
- identity
- ground / air
- selected altitude entered to FMS
- Roll and tack angle
- GS
- M°
Automatic dependent survellience
What is ADS-B
Broadcast info from the aircraft. Not interperted by ground services.
What is code 0030
FIR lost code
Listening squawk
When operating close to controlled airspace
GPS, how many satellites required to fix a position with altitude?
GPS, how many satellites required to fix only a position?
VOR abbr
Very high freq. omni-directional radio
VHF abbr.
Very high freq.
VOR Frequencies
108.00 - 117.95 MHZ
VOR purposes
- orienation and position fixing
- tracking to or from a vor
- holding
- instrumente approaches to land
VOR Range formula
root(1.5 * alt)
The VOR ground station trasmits two VHF radio signals:
- The reference phase (omni-directional: the same in all direction)
- Variable phase - rotates
Should you apply WAC to VOR signals?
What is a VOR radial
Each of the 360 VOR tracks is called a radial
VOR Radial better definition
A radial is the magntic beaing outbound FROM a VOR
VOR Radial (FROM)
Designated operational Coverage
Omni breaing indiactor (which is the whole VOR equipment display)
Omni bearing selector
Course deviation indiactor
The OBI is only to be used in anvigation if:
- The red OFF warning is hidden from view
- The corect morse code ident is heard
How much each dot of angular deviation in OBI represents?
How many dots there are?
if CDI is at the edge of these dots, that means the track is X° degrees or more from the desired track
2° off-track,
5 points each side,
10° degrees or more
QDR opposite
Is the VOR heading sensitive?
No! You could be of heading 360, while you are on “course” of 350 and the CDI will still be centered. Imagine the radio wave
Acheving a suitable WCA with VOR
Revisit VOR in pooleys books
Distance measuring equipment
Slant distance
The distance directly from the point of the aircraft towards the DME. Like a triangle. Its not a range
If DME gives slant distance, how will the range differ
Slightly less than the distance
Which frequency does DME operats
Max. nubmer of aircraft that DME can operate simultanesouly
Non-directional beacon
Automatic direciton finder
NDB is the ground station, ADF is its companion on the aircraft
ADF choosing proecedure
- select
- check ident
- ADFing (verifying needle in TEST mode and see that it turns back to the direction needed)
Relative bearing indicator
RBI meaning
A fixed card display that has a rotating ADF needle
RBI shows what?
A RELATIVE BEARING. If you fly on 310°M towards an NDB, the RBI will be 0°.
The magnetic bearing of the NDB from the aeroplane.
E.g.: MH 280
RB 030
QDM = 310
the magnetic bearing OF THE AIRCRAFT from the NDB
QDM 310, QDR?
Rule of thumb of converting 360° degrees to the opposite
< 180°? add 200, subtract 20
> 180°? subtract 200, add 20
Rotateable card ADF
Can be rotated to display QDM
RMI abbr.
Radio magnetic indicator
RMI meaning
It is a rotateable ADF card that adjusts iteself automatically
What shoudl you consider when using NDB?
Drift angle
Bracketing track
The actual track made good using NDB by doing minor corrections (bracketing)
If found out 10 degrees left away from desired track using NDB, how much right turn should u do to return to track?
20 degrees
Which frequency does NDB operate in
Setting the QBM and continously adjusting for wind. Not recommended. It makes the route longer
VHF Direction Finding
VDF meaning
Ground stations can detect the direction which a VHF-COM signal is coming from
TRUE bearing FROM the station
Class B VDF accr.
Class C VDF accr.
VDF acuuracy decrased by:
- Reflections from neraby uneven ground, builds, aircraft..
- PROPAGATIOn over different terrain
What is datum QDM
It means that the QDM is aligned with the desired track