Pre-Eclampsia Flashcards
What are the major and moderate risk factors for pre-eclampsia ?
Major ( at least 1) : history of pre-eclampsia . Multi-fetal gestation . Autoimmune disease . DM type 1 & 2. Chronic hypertension . Renal disease .
Moderate ( at least 2) - Give Aspirin prophylaxis at 12 Weeks.
Maternal BMI => 30kg / m2
Family history of pre-eclampsia
What are the type of pre-eclampsia ?
1) Mild : [ Hypertension (BP=> 140/90 mm Hg] on 2 occasions . at least 6 hours apart without evidence of end-organ in women who is nonsensitive before 20 weeks ]
2) Severe - presence of 1 of the following criteria :
A. SBP of 160 mmhg or higher or DBP of 110 mm Hg or higher in 2 occations at least 6 houts apart.
B. Proteinuria of more than 3g in a 24-hour colelction or mroe than 3+ on 2 random urine samples collected at least 6 hours apart .
C. Pulmonary edema or cyanosis.
D. Oliguria (<400 mL in 24 hours)
E.Cerebral or visual disturbances.
F. Persistent headaches and/ or Epigastric pain.
G. Impaired liver function.
H. Increased serum creatinine (>1.2 mg/dl )
I. Retinal hemorrhages , exudates or papilledema
J. Thrombocytopenia
K. Oligohydramnios
L. Intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR ) or placenta abruption .
What are the one of the confirmatory Investigation for pre-eclampsia ?
24- hours urine protein .
Define Pre-eclampsia ?
- Hypertension of at least 140/90 mmHg .
- Recorded on at least 2 separate occasions 3. At least 4 hours apart
- In the presence of at least 300 mg protein in a 24-hour collection of urine
- Arising de novo after the 20th week of pregnancy
- In a previously normotensive woman
- Resolving completely by the 6th postpartum week.
What are the general RISK FACTORS for pre-eclampsia ?
- First pregnancy
- Muliparity - with a previous history of pre-eclampsia.
- Pre-eclampsia in any previous pregnancy
- 10 Years or more since last baby
- Age => 40 years old .
- Body mass index ( BMI) of 35 or more.
- Family history of pre-eclampsia ( in mother or sister )
- Booking diastolic blood pressure of => 80 mmHg .
- Booking proteinuria ( of =>1+ on more than 10. one occasion or quanitfied at +> 0.3 g/24h)
- Multiple pregnancy
- Certain underlying medicail conditions :
- Pre - existing hypertension.
- Pre- existing renal disease .
- Pre- existing diabetes.
- Antiphospholipid antibodies .
What is the pahophysiology of pre-eclampsia ?
Development of pre-eclampsia involved of 2-stages process in early pregnancy :
Trophoblasts invasion is patchy and the spiral arteries retain their muscular walls - to prevent the development of a high-flow , low impedance uteri-placental circulation ——- > lead to uteroplacenta ischaemia .
Trophoblasts invade less effectively in pre-eclampsia case due to Abnormal adaptation of maternal immune system.
Uteroplacental ischaemia results in oxidative and inflammatory stress , with the involvement of secondary mediators leading : 1. Endothelial dysfunction. 2. Vasopasm . 3. Activation of the coagulation system. It can also lead to multisystem disorder affecting multiple organ system often continuously.
What is the etiology of the pre-eclampsia ?
The proposed etiology of pre-eclampsia ?
Genetic Predisposition ———> Abnormal immunological response ——> Deficient trophoblast invasion ——> Hypoperfused placenta ———> curculating factors —–> Vascular endothelial cell activation.
Abnormal immune response and deficient placentaiton.
Maternal endothelial cell dysfunction to maternal syndrome.