What the CAUSES of the female subfertility ?
✚ Anovulation or oligo-ovulation :
✦ Hyperprolactinemia ✦ Polycyctic ovary syndrome ✦ Early menopause ✦ Hypothyroidism ✦ Pituitary or hypothalamic dysfunction
✚ Anatomical & tubo-peritoneal dysfunction
✦ Fallopian tube damage or blockage. ✦ Endometriosis ✦ Uterine fibrosis ✦ Pelvic Adhesions ✦ presence of antibodies against sperm in the cervical mucus. ✦ Cervical stenosis ✦ Lower genitalia problems
✚ General causes
✦ Medical disease - TB , DM , MUMPS
✦ Excessive smoking and alcohol
What are the History that we can get from female subfertility ?
✚ Age >35
✚ Length of infertility
✚ Menstruation History - Interval , Amount , Duration
✚ Reproductive history - abortion , ectopic pregnancy
✚ Contraception- IUCD , combine oral contraception use
✚ Drugs - NSAIDs
✚ Sexual History
✚ Family History - twinning , hereditary disease
✚ Social History - Occupation , tobacco , alcohol , drugs
What are the PHYSICAL EXAMINATION that can be performed in female subfertility ?
✤ Bi-manual and rectrovaginal examination
✤ Secondary sexual character - absent
✤ Internal and external genitalia developmental condition
✤ Abnormalities
✤ Pelvic inflammatory disease
✤ Myoma or endometriosis
What are the INVESTIGATIONS that can be performed in female subfertility patient ?
▶ Hormone testing
★ Hypothalamic - pituitary failure
★ level of FSH , LH and estradiol
★ Test for ovulation = progesterone day 21
★ Thyroid function test
▶ basal body temperature (BBT) chart.
❇oral temperature taken every morning on getting
up , and before taking any fluids or food.
❇ Ovulatory chart is biphasic - ↑in temperature at
luteal phase & ↓ in temperature around ovulation.
❇ Remains monophaisc in cases of anovulation.
▶ Urinary LH testing
▶ Cervical mucus
▶ Transvaginal ultrasound
▶ Tubal patency test