Pratical questions. Flashcards
In the course of witnessing to a co-worker you discover that he is a convinced atheist who disregards any appeal to Scripture which you might make. What is your point of contact in witnessing to him? i.e., what knowledge is suppressed deep within his conscience of which you may remind him?
Rom 1:18-22 Suppress the truth, claiming to be wise became fools.
A child comes to you and says, “I’m afraid I might be going to hell. What can I do to make sure I go to heaven?” How would you lead that child to Christ? To what scriptures would you turn?
Point out to Rom 3:11 Psalm 53,
Take to the Gospel Mat 1:21 Save them from their sins
Jesus offer of the Gospel Mark 1:14-15
A Jehovah’s Witness comes to your door and in the course of conversation with him he says, “The doctrine of the Trinity is no where to be found in the Scriptures. The Bible doesn’t teach it.” Refute him.
John 20:28 My Lord and My God John 1:1 Matthew 28:19 1 Cor 10:5 The rock was Christ Hebrews 1:2 Phi 2:6 Col 2:9 John 10:30 I and the father are one.
Two months after tragically losing his wife in an automobile accident, a Christian friend comes to you and says, “All I want to know is ‘why?’” In light of what we know about the providence and love of God, how will you answer?
1 Peter 1:6 it is a little while
1 Cor 10:13 It is not more than you can bere
Rom 8:28 All things work together for good.
Rom 5:12 Sin brought death.
1 Cor 15: She is with GOD
In the course of an argument with a Methodist friend he charges, “You Calvinist are fatalists. You reduce men to puppets.” Respond to him.
JOHN 3:19
Phi 2:13 For is God works in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
John 6:44 No one can come to me.
John 10:28
Now a Mormon comes to your door and insists that Christ was a man like us and not a God-Man. Explain to him why it was necessary for Christ to be both God and Man. Show him your scriptural support for the dual nature of Christ.
Rom 1:3-4 God-Man
It was necessary for him to be God. Because as a mediator the efficacy of what he did is eternal. Titus 2:13
It was necessary for him to be a man to fulfill the law as our federal head. Rom 5:19
“All the religions are basically the same. It really doesn’t matter what you believe, just so a person is sincere, that’s all God expects of him.” Respond giving attention to the uniqueness of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ.
John 14:6 I am the way, truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
“Sure, I’ll go to heaven, I’ve gone to church all my life, I’ve kept the ten commandments, I’ve done my best.” Respond in light of what you know about human nature and salvation.
Ephesians 2:8-9
A fairly carnal friend says, “I accepted Jesus as my Savior 5 years ago, but I am still struggling with whether or not I am going to make him Lord.” Respond in light of what you know about faith, repentance, and good works.
1 Peter 1:18 If you call him as a Father..
A member of your church struggles with doubts of her salvation. Help her to understand why she might have them and what she can do to enter into full assurance.
Make use of the sacraments.
Promises of GOd,
Evidence of Grace,
Testimony of the Spirit
Relate how adoption can serve as the interpretive key for our duties and experiences as a Christian (e.g., prayer, assurance, adversity).
Rom 8:14-18
1 Peter 1:3-5
Free from the Law, O’ blessed condition, I can sin all I want, and still have remission.” Respond in light of what you know of the Law, Christian freedom, and Salvation.
Rom 3:23 Stablish the Law
1 Peter 1:17 will judge everyone according to their deeds.
Explain how the Confession would have you conduct yourself on the Christian Sabbath. Defend your present practice in light of that teaching.
4th commandment
A Baptist friend asks “Why do you baptize infants? Baptism in the Bible is always by immersion and always follows a profession of faith.” Answer him from Scripture.
Rom 4:11 He received the sign of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised.
Gen 17:7 Circumcision is a covenant for your offspring.
Acts 10, Acts 2:38, Acts 16….the form changes but not the nature.
t is sometimes claimed that “you don’t have to go to church or be baptized to be saved.” Respond in light of the doctrine of the Church, the sacraments, and its fellowship.
Acts 2:46
Heb 10:25
A young member of your church who recently lost his father comes to you and wants to know if he will ever see him again. Explain to him what has happened, and what will happen to his father, and to him, too.
1 Cor 15
A member of your church files for a divorce. How should the church respond to this? What if he persists? Why?
Mat 19:
1 Cor 7